Supramolecular Chemistry

تفضل اخي الكريم​


By Jonathan W. Steed, David R. Turner, Karl Wallace,​

* Publisher: Wiley
* Number Of Pages: 320
* Publication Date: 2007-06-15
* Sales Rank: 317269
* ISBN / ASIN: 0470858672
* EAN: 9780470858677
* Binding: Paperback
* Manufacturer: Wiley
* Studio: Wiley​

Book Description:​

Supramolecular chemistry and nanochemistry are two strongly interrelated cutting edge frontiers in research in the chemical sciences. The results of recent work in the area are now an increasing part of modern degree courses and hugely important to researchers.​

Core Concepts in Supramolecular Chemistry and Nanochemistry clearly outlines the fundamentals that underlie supramolecular chemistry and nanochemistry and takes an umbrella view of the whole area. This concise textbook traces the fascinating modern practice of the chemistry of the non-covalent bond from its fundamental origins through to it expression in the emergence of nanochemistry.​

Fusing synthetic materials and supramolecular chemistry with crystal engineering and the emerging principles of nanotechnology, the book is an ideal introduction to current chemical thought for researchers and a superb resource for students entering these exciting areas for the first time. The book builds from first principles rather than adopting a review style and includes a supplementary website and key references to guide the reader through influential work.​

Core Concepts in Supramolecular Chemistry and Nanochemistry
About the authors
1 Introduction
1.1 What is supramolecular chemistry?
1.2 Selectivity
1.3 Supramolecular interactions
1.4 Supramolecular design
Suggested further reading
2 Solution host–guest chemistry
2.1 Introduction: guests in solution
2.2 Macrocyclic versus acyclic hosts
2.3 Cation binding
2.4 Anion binding
2.5 Metal-containing receptors
2.6 Simultaneous cation and anion receptors
2.7 Neutral-molecule binding
2.8 Supramolecular catalysis and enzyme mimics
3 Self-assembly
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Biological self-assembly
3.3 Ladders, polygons and helices
3.4 Rotaxanes, catenanes and knots
3.5 Self-assembling capsules
4 Solid state supramolecular chemistry
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Zeolites
4.3 Clathrates
4.4 Clathrate hydrates
4.5 Crystal engineering
4.6 Coordination polymers
5 Nanochemistry
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Nanomanipulation
5.3 Molecular devices
5.4 Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs)
5.5 Soft lithography
5.6 Nanoparticles
5.7 Fullerenes and nanotubes
5.8 Dendrimers
5.9 Fibres, gels and polymers
5.10 Nanobiology and biomimetic chemistry

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بارك الله فيك اخي وليد ولكن لم اجد مبتغاي الذي اطمح له ارجو ان تسامحني لاني اتعبتك معي فالكتاب يحتوي على فصول لمؤلفين مختلفين وايضا رساله الدكتوراه نبذه قليله عن الموضوع لكن الي كنت اريده هو تصنيف الClassification of Supramolecular فاذا رئيت البحث الي ارفقته له تصنيف جميل وسهل وسلسل فقد صنفها الى:
1-Linear Components for Supramolecular Networks وقسمها الى خمسه اقسام تحت هذا البند.
2-Cyclic Compounds وقسمها الى اربعه اقسام .
3- Molecular Baskets and Cages
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