برنامج Adobe Flash Player بانواعه الثلاثه

ابو ابراهيم

مشرف كليه الطب
طاقم الإدارة
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أصدار جديد من برنامج Flash Player من الشركه العملاقه أدوبي
برنامج فلاش بلاير الرائع والغني عن التعريف والذي يحتاجه الجميع لتصفح المواقع المصممة
بالفلاش ولفتح ملفات الفلاش الجاهزة .. وايضاً تحويلها إلى ملفات تعمل تلقائي في الجهاز
كذلك هو يشغل الملفات SWF على حاسوبك ويساعدك على استعراضها
This is a prerelease version of the Adobe® Flash® Player 9 Update software for Solaris platforms. It is being made available for developers and consumers to test their content to ensure existing content plays back correctly and that there are no compatibility issues.
The Flash Player beta is available in all languages; however, the beta installers are only in English and we can only accept feedback in English at this time. Flash Player beta downloads are available for the Solaris Sparc and Solaris x86 platforms at this time.
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Your use of Adobe Labs, including the downloading of software and submission of comments, ideas, feature requests, and techniques, and Adobe’s rights to use such submitted materials are governed by the Adobe Labs Terms of Use and the Adobe Online Privacy Policy. By downloading, copying, or using Adobe software and related materials, you also agree to the appropriate Adobe Software License Agreement, including the limitations related to prerelease Software.
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شكرا لأبو ليندا.