برامج برنامج Sony Ericsson Themes Creator v3.17لعمل خلفيات للجوال سونى إريكسون


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برنامج Sony Ericsson Themes Creator v3.17
هو برنامج لعمل خلفيات للجوال سونى إريكسون تصنعها أنت بنفسك أخى ما عدا الجوال except P900


Sony Ericsson Themes Creator v3.17
You can make your phone look completely different from the rest
The "Themes Creator" is now official and supports all Sony Ericsson phones that support themes (except P900, of course).

Sony Ericsson Themes Creator is a software that helps you to personalize your mobile phone.

With a bit of work and creativity, you can make your phone look completely different from the rest, since you can change almost everything you see on the screen (except font face, some icons...).

حجم البرنامج 5.86 MB

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