حصريا على هذا المنتدى .... دروس صوت وصورة عن WCDMA


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حصريا على هذا المنتدى( رابط جديد.....) .... دروس صوت وصورة عن WCDMA

اتقدم اليكم بدروس ودورة كاملة عن WCDMA


وارجوا منكم الدعاء

وجزاكم الله خـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــيرا

أخوكم سمير




وهذه محتويات الدروس

lesson 1

Explain the WCDMA evolution path
Describe the difference between the TDMA, CDMA and WCDMA coding techniques
Describe the main functions of WCDMA RAN
Provide an overview of the air interface in WCDMA

lesson 2

Describe the following WCDMA Subnetworks (Domains)
Circuit Switched domain
Packet Switched domain
User Databases and other common nodes
Describe the WCDMA RAN functionality and nodes
Explain the Transport solution for the Core and RAN Networks
Describe the WCDMA network management function and tools
Describe the security issues in WCDMA

lesson 3

Describe the WCDMA Service Network
Describe the Service Network Framework, SNF

lesson 4

Describe the main functions in WCDMA
Describe the WCDMA network Services:
Telephony call service
Packet call service
Supplementary services
Multimedia Messaging
Streamed services
Location-based services
IN services
Single Sign On Service

lesson 5

Describe the interfaces and the corresponding protocols in WCDMA network


Course Test

الرابط في المرفقات(hi)


  • file.txt
    72 بايت · المشاهدات: 2,389
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