Net Transport 2.51.384 NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista

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طاقم الإدارة

اقدم لكم اسرع برنامج تحميل على الاطلاق Net Transport وهو بانواعه الثلاثه
وله مميزات كثيره سترونها بعد التنزيل البرنامج
Net Transport is a faster, exciting and the most powerful downloading tool that you ever saw, now support the most prevalent Internet protocols, including: HTTP / HTTPS, FTP / through SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) / SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol), MMS (Microsoft Media Services), RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol), PNM (rename PNM to RTSP).
With independently developed Enhanced Multi-Threading (EMT) technology, Net Transport can make the most of the network bandwidth of various types of internet connection. If a site allows multithreaded downloads, you can expect much faster speeds. This is especially effective for MMS streams because they use a fixed transmission speed and loading several streams of the same file fully uses your Internet bandwidth.
Key features of "Net Transport":
- Up to 10 (128 if you change Registry settings - see "Net Transport Help") threads for every job. An average bandwidth of one thread is above 1M bytes per second (by default). And up to 10 (32 if you change Registry) jobs could be running simultaneously.
- A simple but powerful file manager is added. It helps Net Transport users to categorize and manage downloaded files with an ease. Both the genuine catalog and disk directories are synchronous. When you make changes to any of them the other side is also updated automatically.
- Use internal "Site Explorer" to list server directories structure and select some or all files in a directory to download.
- It is easy to check whether a file has been updated and whether it should be re-downloaded again.
- Net Transport supports proxy servers. The Multiple Proxies mode allows you to set every downloading thread to use its own proxy server to overcome certain site restrictions, such as limiting downloads to one stream, allowing one download per IP address only, etc.
- Speed limit restricts the used Internet bandwidth, permitting a user to do other Internet downloads of surf Web sites at the same time without a significant performance loss.
- Browser clicks monitoring (MS Internet Explorer only) allows you to add links using the following ways - Internet Explorer extended context menu, dragging links to the drop zone window, etc.
حمل البرامج كل الاتي
  1. Net Transport v2.45 UNICODE (NT/2000/XP/2003)
  2. Net Transport v2.45 ANSI (95/98/ME)
  3. Net Transport v2.45 Vista x86 (Vista)


  • Net Transport 2.45.371.rar
    530 بايت · المشاهدات: 16
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