برنامج حماية رائع خفيف على الجهاز يقوم باخفاء الـ IP يقوم باكتشاف اى عمليه مسح من قبل الهاكر ويقوم برصدها وتعطيلها كما يقوم بارسال رد مخادع للهاكر مخبرا اياه بان هذا الشخص غير موجود ويقوم بغلق اى بورت مفتوح بجهازك تلقائيا ويقوم بمنع اى محاوله تسلل من الشبكه لجهازك او العكس من البرامج بالجهاز يمنع زراعة ملفات التجسس او الكوكيز يمنع محاولة سرقة البيانات يجعل جهازك مخفي من الدخلاء يقوم بفحص صندوق الوارد ويحجر الديدان وفايروسات الإنترنت يحمي أطفالك من المواقع الإنترنت الاباحية وهو متوافق مع جدار ناري Windows All
Outpost Firewall Pro provides a superior arsenal of defense against PC infiltration. Outpost ensures your online security with solid protection against all Internet-borne threats. Outpost is the first personal firewall developed with Open Architecture. It is also the first personal firewall that supports plug-ins. Sample plug-ins are included to show how this revolutionary technology can easily be employed for such tasks as Intrusion Detection, Advertisement Blocking, Content Filtering, E-mail Guard, and Privacy Control. It is equipped with every feature a personal firewall should have. It is the most functional firewall in the world. It supports all the latest security techniques and features such as: Full Stealth Mode, Anti-Leak, and MD5 Authentication.
Being online is fraught with dangers: Internet worms, spyware agents, Trojan horses, hijackers and more can wreak havoc, causing anything from slow performance to system crashes to full-blown identity theft. And to provide you with the kind of protection you need in these days of cyberthieves and online extortionists, your firewall must be able to monitor all inbound and outbound traffic and protect you from any unauthorized intrusion by rendering your PC invisible to anything that you haven’t authorized to see it.
Outpost Personal Firewall PRO Features:
- Detects all types of hacker attacks. The powerful Intrusion Detection System (IDS) built into Outpost protects your PC from both known and unknown types of hacker attacks. It screens inbound data and determines its legitimacy, either by comparing it against a set of known attack fingerprints or by performing behavior evaluation analysis.
- Protects all types of network connectivity. Outpost's Ethernet protection module protects network packets in transit — like chat sessions — from being hijacked. Such attacks can also disable or disrupt network connections and steal WiFi connectivity, so Outpost blocks any interference with network connectivity.
- Defeats all types of spyware infections. Outpost's Anti-Spyware module safeguards PCs against spyware infection and the loss of confidential information. Spyware is blocked at every possible stage — installation, activation, transmission of information and re-installation. Outpost's active spyware monitor makes sure no spyware can activate on your PC, by monitoring critical areas of the system and keeping them clean. The on-demand scanner scours the system for traces of deactivated spyware and erases them completely. Even if you disable active spyware protection during processor-intensive tasks like online games, new network connections are proactively verified in the background to be spyware-free before being allowed to proceed.
- Prevents all types of data theft. Outpost's comprehensive Anti-Leak function constantly monitors how your applications interact with one another, preventing malware programs from controlling trusted applications and accessing the network on their behalf. Anti-Leak protection guards against dozens of malware techniques designed to sneak personal data past the firewall's outbound sensors. And even if malware finds its way onto the system, it won't be able to transfer any data out of the network because the ID block function lets you define and lock down blocks of text, preventing them from being removed from the machine by any electronic means — IM, web access or email correspondence.
- Attachment quarantine. Attachment Quarantine protects you from the threat posed by accidentally opening email attachments that may contain viruses, worms or other malware and lets you customize which types of attachments Outpost should block.
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