Bentley MXROAD


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برنامج Bentley MXROAD

Bentley MXROAD is an advanced, string-based modeling tool that enables the rapid and accurate design of all road types. With MXROAD you can quickly create design alternatives to achieve the “ideal” road system. Upon selection of the final design alternative, MXROAD automates much of the design detailing process, saving the user time and money.

Who Uses


* Civil engineers and designers
* Professional surveyors
* Geotechnical engineers
* Storm drainage and water/sewer system designers
* Civil engineering consultants

Organization types

* Civil engineering firms
* Municipal engineering organizations
* Surveying companies
* Land and site developers
* Landscape design
* Departments of transportation (DOT)
* National highway organizations
* Design/build companies
موقع البرنامج:
الروابط في المرفقات


  • Bentley MXROAD.txt
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