ا البرنامج الرائع Portable Snag It v.8.2.3 لإلتقاط الصور من على سطح المكتب


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السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

إليكم أخوانى الإصدار الجديد من البرنامج الرائع Portable Snag It v.8.2.3 لإلتقاط الصور من على سطح المكتب و الكتابة على الصور و عمل بعض المؤثرات و التعديلات عليها
و البرنامج غنى عن التعريف فى تخصصه الشديد فى مجاله


SnagIt delivers customized screen captures with the press of a hotkey.

SnagIt is the only screen capture software that captures images, text, and video from your Windows desktop. Effortlessly produce perfect graphics and video with this complete capture solution.

Now, with SnagIt add-ins, you can put SnagIt right in your toolbar! SnagIt’s new add-in toolbars provide quick access to the
most common capture features right from within Word, PowerPoint and Explorer.

Screen capture is the process of copying what you see on your screen. SnagIt captures various types of data in dozens of different ways, enabling you to capture, edit and share anything on your screen.

To help you start using SnagIt, here are five popular ways SnagIt is used to capture what is on your screen.

Here are some key features of “SnagIt”:

Capture Anything:

¤ Capture an article, image, or Web page directly from your screen. Or, capture windows, menus, icons, and regions from any application that runs on your PC.

Edit and Transform:

¤ SnagIt Editor makes it easy to add creative and professional touches to your captures. Transform your images with a full-featured paint tools palette, a variety of edge effects, and practical options for color and size adjustment.

Share Easily:

¤ E-mail, copy and paste, print, and IM your captures, or upload them to your Web site. SnagIt helps you communicate any way you prefer.


حجم البرنامج 15.4MB​
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