Elements of Environmental Chemistry


* ضيف شرف *
طاقم الإدارة

Elements of Environmental Chemistry


Number Of Pages: 204
Publication Date: 2007-05-04

Book Description:

The basics of environmental chemistry and a toolbox for solving problems

Elements of Environmental Chemistry uses real-world examples to help readers master the quantitative aspects of environmental chemistry. Complex environmental issues are presented in simple terms to help readers grasp the basics and solve relevant problems. Topics covered include: steady- and non-steady-state modeling, chemical kinetics, stratospheric ozone, photochemical smog, the greenhouse effect, carbonate equilibria, the application of partition coefficients, pesticides, and toxic metals. Numerous sample problems help readers apply their skills. An interactive textbook for students, this is also a great refresher course for practitioners.

A solutions manual is available for Academic Adopters. Please click the solutions manual link on the top left side of this page to request the manual.


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