مطلوب كتب في البيئه

  • بادئ الموضوع ramz
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لوفى امكانك المساعده انا ابحث عن كتب فى البيئه ضرورى
ramz و rema تشابه في الرموز و البيئة ؟ هههههه

أرجو تحديد المطلوب أكثر حتي يسهل البحث ؟
شكرا؛ ممكن يكون فى تشابه فى الرموز والموضوع لكن الاختلاف فى الشخص .. شكرا اخى المهاجر على اهتمامك انا احتاج كتب فى الكيمياء البيئيه
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

معلش يا أخ ramz و الأخ rema2007الموضوع انتهى من زمان بتاع مكتبة أبو مالك

بس الحمد لله جبتلكم حاجة تانية
اليكم الكتاب
Bioaccumulation New Aspects and Developments (Handbook of Environmental Chemistry)

هذا هو اللينك
باسم الله اللهم تقبل منا ومنكم جميعاً

By B. Beek

Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 298
Publication Date: 1999-12-10
Sales Rank: 4832612
ISBN / ASIN: 3540625755
EAN: 9783540625759
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Springer
Studio: Springer
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

The bioaccumulation of endocrine disruptors, persistent organic chemicals and other compounds of high environmental impact has become of increasing interest in most recent environmental research, risk analysis and toxicology. This volume gives an up-to-date overview and introduces the reader to the new concept of "internal effect concentration" linking bioaccumulation and biomagnification in the food chain to ecotoxicology and risk assessment.

اللينك جزاكم الله وآسف على الإطالة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Environmental Photochemistry Part II (Handbook of Environmental Chemistry)


Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 489
Publication Date: 2006-10-19
Sales Rank: 3211435
ISBN / ASIN: 3540002693
EAN: 9783540002697
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Springer
Studio: Springer
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

Photochemical reactions play a major role in the environment including a wide range of reactions in the atmosphere, natural waters, soil and living organisms. This new volume on Environmental Photochemistry up-dates the previous edition with chapters on basic aspects including concepts of photochemical transformations and mechanistic photochemical processes in the atmosphere and water. In addition a range of applications are also detailed such as advanced photochemical oxidation processes for water and air treatment as well as applications of photocatalysis for surface treatment and nuclear fuel reprocessing. The new edition provides a critical up to date overview of the most important research in the field of environmental photochemistry.

اللينك باسم الله
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Environmental Chemistry: Asian Lessons


About this textbook

At present environmental chemistry is becoming an increasingly popular subject in both under graduate and graduated education in the whole World and especially in all Asian countries. Different courses in ecology, chemistry, environmental science, public health, geography, biology, and environmental engineering all include this subject in their curriculum.

Many textbooks have appeared in recent years aiming to fulfill these requirements; however, most of these books operate mainly with examples from developed countries of Europe, USA and Canada. Taking into account the geographic boundaries of environmental pollution that is especially pronounced in Asia and the specific peculiarities of pollution in developing countries, this textbook is supposed to close the gap by providing regionally oriented knowledge in basic and applied environmental chemistry.
Written for:
Students in ecology, chemistry, environmental science, public health, geography, biology, and environmental engineering

اللينك باسم الله
أعتقد كلمة شكراً لا تفي بحق وليد علي مجهوده الجبار في المساعدة ولا أنا غلطان ؟

كتاب آخر :

Environmental Organic Chemistry


ISBN: 0471357502
Author: Rene P. Schwarzenbach / Philip M. Gschwend / Dieter M. Imboden
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience

Environmental Organic Chemistry focuses on environmental factors that govern the processes that determine the fate of organic chemicals in natural and engineered systems. The information discovered is then applied to quantitatively assessing the environmental behaviour of organic chemicals. Now in its 2nd edition this book takes a more holistic view on physical-chemical properties of organic compounds. It includes new topics that address aspects of gas/solid partitioning, bioaccumulation, and transformations in the atmosphere.
  • Structures chapters into basic and sophisticated sections
  • Contains illustrative examples, problems and case studies
  • Examines the fundamental aspects of organic, physical and inorganic chemistry - applied to environmentally relevant problems
  • Addresses problems and case studies in one volume

    Table of Contents
    Pt. I Introduction 1
    1 General Topic and Overview 3
    2 An Introduction to Environmental Organic Chemicals 13
    Pt. II Equilibrium Partitioning Between Gaseous, Liquid, and Solid Phases 55
    3 Partitioning: Molecular Interactions and Thermodynamics 57
    4 Vapor Pressure 97
    5 Activity Coefficient and Solubility in Water 133
    6 Air-Organic Solvent and Air-Water Partitioning 181
    7 Organic Liquid-Water Partitioning 213
    8 Organic Acids and Bases: Acidity Constant and Partitioning Behavior 245
    9 Sorption I: General Introduction and Sorption Processes Involving Organic Matter 275
    10 Sorption II: Partitioning to Living Media - Bioaccumulation and Baseline Toxicity 331
    11 Sorption III: Sorption Processes Involving Inorganic Surfaces 387
    Pt. III Transformation Processes 459
    12 Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Transformation Reactions 461
    13 Chemical Transformations I: Hydrolysis and Reactions Involving Other Nucleophilic Species 489
    14 Chemical Transformations II: Redox Reactions 555
    15 Direct Photolysis 611
    16 Indirect Photolysis: Reactions with Photooxidants in Natural Waters and in the Atmosphere 655
    17 Biological Transformations 687
    Pt. IV Modeling Tools: Transport and Reaction 775
    18 Transport by Random Motion 777
    19 Transport Through Boundaries 833
    20 Air-Water Exchange 887
    21 Box Models 945
    22 Models in Space and Time 1005
    Pt. V Environmental Systems and Case Studies 1049
    23 Ponds, Lakes, and Oceans 1051
    24 Rivers 1101
    25 Groundwater 1147
    Appendix 1185
    Bibliography 1213
    Index (Subject Index, Compound Index, List of Illustrative Examples) 1255

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

الله يخليك ويبارك فيك أخى المهاجر ويعنى دا كله من فضل الله أنا معملتش حاجة

متشكر جداً
وانا بقولك من هنا وادام الجميع انى أحبك فى الله أخويا وحبيبى المهاجر وأرجو من الله العلى الكبير ان يجمعنا سويا احنا والناس الجميلة اللى فى المنتدى دا فى الجنة ان شاء الله

اخر كلمة
ختامه مسك انت دايما بتختم بكتاب كدة يكون هو اللبنة بتاع الكتب
هذا الكتاب اللى انت ضفته بفضل الله هضيفه ضمن كتبى فى الكيميا العضوية
جزاك الله كل خير

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

الله يخليك ويبارك فيك أخى المهاجر ويعنى دا كله من فضل الله أنا معملتش حاجة

متشكر جداً
وانا بقولك من هنا وادام الجميع انى أحبك فى الله أخويا وحبيبى المهاجر وأرجو من الله العلى الكبير ان يجمعنا سويا احنا والناس الجميلة اللى فى المنتدى دا فى الجنة ان شاء الله

اخر كلمة
ختامه مسك انت دايما بتختم بكتاب كدة يكون هو اللبنة بتاع الكتب
هذا الكتاب اللى انت ضفته بفضل الله هضيفه ضمن كتبى فى الكيميا العضوية
جزاك الله كل خير

الله يبارك فيك و يسعدك يا أخي وليد ... والله نفس الشعور و المحبة في الله ... ربنا يتقبل منا و منكم صالح الأعمال خاصة و قد دخلنا العشرة الأواخر من رضان ... جعلنا و إياكم و كل من حب الخير للناس من عتقاء هذا الشهر الفضيل ...

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

متشكر جداً أخى المهاجر وربنا يتقبل منا ومنكم ويعتق رقابنا من النار اللهم آمين ويجمعنا سويا على حوض النبى عليه افضل الصلاة والسلام نحن وكل من أحببناه
جزاك الله خيراً مرة ثانية
الله يبارك فيك و يسعدك يا أخي وليد ... والله نفس الشعور و المحبة في الله ... ربنا يتقبل منا و منكم صالح الأعمال خاصة و قد دخلنا العشرة الأواخر من رضان ... جعلنا و إياكم و كل من حب الخير للناس من عتقاء هذا الشهر الفضيل ...
