Allah's Gifts, Brain, Time, LIfe, Health


Active Member
Brothers and Sisters in Islam,

Many times, we ask for help. We ask Allah for help. We ask for His inspiration and guidance.

I tell you, he has already given that to us. In the history of Islam, in Mecca and Medina, he
has already given to us. It is WE who are not following it with HEART and MIND.

(1) We must spread knowledge ... (We must assess it quantitatively. like how many hours we give to
the poor children or illiterate children teaching them math and science)

(2) We must spread knowledge ... (like, have we solved some subject, some technical problem and
then shared the knowledge? and applied it in starting a Shirka or Machine Shop or Work Shop ?) and
helped others to replicate our experience in the service to Allah ?

(3) The poison to the youth is many. Cigarettes (cancer), wasting time on useless things, the mind is
relaxed by meditation ... by Tasbeeh, Ya Allah one by one with each breath ... imagine Allah's blessings
coming on you. If you want to solve a math problem ... it is solvable ... Allah will help you.

The most important age, is the adolescence.

You will never get it back. Your hormones are rushing. You must channel your energies into Ibadah
into exercise, build your body.
If you have excess energy, go to your neighborhood and offer yourself as a free labor.

In your city, start a volunteer program.

Where all you need to do is to wear a badge or some special head cover to identify yourself as a
volunteer so that some old person, lady or someone who need help can ask you.

(4) It is hard for those who want to give help to find who need help and vice versa.

(5) Another poison for youth and mind is pornography. It is plenty of internet. It is a poison of mind.
It is a poison of mind and thoughts and soul, china was conquered by opium by the enemies of Islam.
It is a poison of mind and thoughts and soul, china was conquered by opium by the enemies of Islam.
It is a poison of mind and thoughts and soul, china was conquered by opium by the enemies of Islam.

The Western Powers are trying to conquer China again by pornography.
The Western Powers are trying to conquer China again by pornography.
The Western Powers are trying to conquer China again by pornography.

So I tell you to be aware of the fitna.

Dont lose the most important part of your life, the adolescence by bad thoughts.

Use it hard to develop health, body, brain.

Allah's best gift to you is the brain that can solve problems for you and for your Ummah.

Ibne Khaldun