SURGERY موقع جميل جدا Scoring systems for ICU and surgical patients in English & French


وجدت لكم هذا الموقع وهو يعطيك النتيجة بمجرد إدخال القيم(يعني الصافي من الاخر)
عسى أن يكون مفيدا
خاصة في المناوبات !!!

These pages allow an easy "on line" calculation of scores used in general or specialized Intensive Care or Anesthesia. Their only purpose is the calculation of the scores, irrespectively of any judgement on their relevance or usefulness. The calculation of a risk assigned to a measured score is an epidemiologic tool, and never should be used as a single patient prevision tool. One should read on this subject : Lemeshow S, Le Gall JR. Modeling the severity of illness of ICU patients. A systems update. JAMA. 1994;272:1049-55 and the 2eme Conference de Consensus Europeenne en Reanimation et Medecine d'Urgence : Facteurs pronostiques chez les malades de reanimation.

References of original articles are given on each page.


General scores

ASA Physical Status Classification System
SAPS II expanded and predicted mortality
SAPS II and predicted mortality
APACHE II and predicted mortality
SOFA (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment)
MODS (Multiple Organ Dysfunction Score)
ODIN (Organ Dysfunctions and / or INfection)
MPM (Mortality Probability Model)
on admission
24 hours
48 hours
MPM Over Time (admission-24 h-48 h)
MPM II (Mortality Probability Model)
on admission
24 h, 48 h, 72 h
LODS (Logistic Organ Dysfunction System)
TRIOS (Three days Recalibrated ICU Outcome Score)

General scores

PRISM (Pediatric RISk of Mortality)
P-MODS (Pediatric Multiple Organ Dysfunction Score)
DORA (Dynamic Objective Risk Assesment)
PELOD (Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction)
PIM II (Paediatric Index of Mortality II)
PIM (Paediatric Index of Mortality)

Specialized and Surgical Intensive Care - Preoperative evaluation

Thoracoscore (thoracic surgery)
Lung Resection Score (thoracic surgery)
EUROSCORE (cardiac surgery)
ONTARIO (cardiac surgery)
Parsonnet score (cardiac surgery)
System 97 score (cardiac surgery)
QMMI score (coronary surgery)
Early mortality risk in redocoronary artery surgery
MPM for cancer patients
POSSUM (Physiologic and Operative Severity Score for the enUmeration of Mortality and Morbidity) (surgery, any)
Portsmouth POSSUM (surgery, any)
IRISS score : graft failure after lung transplantation
Glasgow Coma Score

Specialized : Neonatal, Surgical, Meningococcal septic shock

CRIB II (Clinical Risk Index for Babies)
CRIB (Clinical Risk Index for Babies)
SNAP (Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology)
SNAP-PE (SNAP Perinatal Extension)
MSSS (Meningococcal Septic Shock Score)
GMSPS (Glasgow Meningococcal Septicaemia Prognostic Score)
Rotterdam Score (meningococcal septic shock)
Children's Coma Score (Raimondi)
Paediatric Coma Scale (Simpson & Reilly)

Trauma scores

ISS (Injury Severity Score), RTS (Revised Trauma Score), TRISS (Trauma Injury Severity Score)
ASCOT (A Severity Characterization Of Trauma)
24 h - ICU Trauma Score

Pediatric Trauma Scores

Pediatric Trauma Score

Therapeutic intervention, nursing ICU scores

TISS (Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System)
TISS-28 : simplified TISS

Pediatrics : therapeutic intervention, nursing ICU scores

NTISS : Neonatal Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System

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