Robert C. Gordon, D.C., DAAPM ,
"Manipulation Under Anesthesia: Concepts in Theory and Application"
Publisher:Informa Healthcare | Pages:320 | 2005-04-21 | ISBN:0849317002 | PDF | 5.42 MB
"Manipulation Under Anesthesia: Concepts in Theory and Application"
Publisher:Informa Healthcare | Pages:320 | 2005-04-21 | ISBN:0849317002 | PDF | 5.42 MB

Spinal manipulation under anesthesia (MUA) is a procedure intended for patients who suffer from musculoskeletal disorders in conjunction with biomechanical dysfunction. MUA is performed using monitored anesthesia care. Manipulation Under Anesthesia is the first book to present the procedure from a historical perspective to present day use. It is a compilation of information that is used as both a reference and as an educational aid for doctors. It contains information on the history, scientific use, and logistics for use in hospitals. It discusses justification for the procedure from both a clinical and patient management standpoint. Also included are an anesthesiology chapter and patient selection criteria.