السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
مؤخرا تم قبول مقالي في Elsevier. اليوم وصلني ايميل حول Elsevier AudioSlides
With AudioSlides, a new and free service by Elsevier, you can create a 5-minute presentation for your paper which you can share on your personal website and social media to explain your work and articulate the relevance of your work for other researchers and for society at large.
There is a correlation between AudioSlides and article usage, with articles that have accompanying AudioSlides presentations being read more. We observed that this increase in usage is particularly strong when authors actively use their AudioSlides presentations to promote their work on other websites or
social media. The effort can really pay off!
من فضلكم من يشرح لنا ايجابيات وسلبيات Elsevier AudioSlides.
شكرا لكم
مؤخرا تم قبول مقالي في Elsevier. اليوم وصلني ايميل حول Elsevier AudioSlides
With AudioSlides, a new and free service by Elsevier, you can create a 5-minute presentation for your paper which you can share on your personal website and social media to explain your work and articulate the relevance of your work for other researchers and for society at large.
There is a correlation between AudioSlides and article usage, with articles that have accompanying AudioSlides presentations being read more. We observed that this increase in usage is particularly strong when authors actively use their AudioSlides presentations to promote their work on other websites or
social media. The effort can really pay off!
من فضلكم من يشرح لنا ايجابيات وسلبيات Elsevier AudioSlides.
شكرا لكم