السلام عليكم و رحمة الله
برنامج الأوريجين الاصدار السادس مع التفعيل لمن يهمه
Origin 6.0
ORIGIN is an application designed for data analysis and publication-quality graphing, tailored to the needs of scientists and engineers. It provides the ability to customize analysis and graphing tasks using themes, templates, custom reports, batch processing and programming. The Peak Analyzer tool in Origin offers the additional capability of finding and fitting multiple peaks in your spectra.
شرح طريقة الشغل على البرنامج
[hide]http://www.mediafire.com/file/fbf86yzs02v2m67/origin 6.rar[/hide]
برنامج الأوريجين الاصدار السادس مع التفعيل لمن يهمه
Origin 6.0
ORIGIN is an application designed for data analysis and publication-quality graphing, tailored to the needs of scientists and engineers. It provides the ability to customize analysis and graphing tasks using themes, templates, custom reports, batch processing and programming. The Peak Analyzer tool in Origin offers the additional capability of finding and fitting multiple peaks in your spectra.
شرح طريقة الشغل على البرنامج
[hide]http://www.mediafire.com/file/fbf86yzs02v2m67/origin 6.rar[/hide]
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