MathXpert Calculus Assistant.v3.02


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MathXpert Calculus Assistant.v3.02





MathXpert: software to help you learn mathematics. MathXpert logo * Students: learn at your own pace, get help when you need it, learn math thoroughly. Get an A. * Parents: MathXpert is easy to use and can help your children, and help you help your children. * Algebra teachers: All your students can learn algebra. Leave no student behind. * Calculus teachers: MathXpert supports a full year of calculus including all AP Calculus AB topics. * University professors: MathXpert can be used for a full year of university-level calculus. * Engineers (and anyone else): Brush up your mathematics privately and at your convenience. * If you prefer French or German: MathXpert can use those languages as well as English. What it is like to use MathXpert: * You choose the step to carry out; MathXpert carries it out for you, as illustrated below. * MathXpert has the capability to solve the problem by itself. * It can use that capability to give you a hint, or show you what to do, or actually take a step for you. * You are never more than one click away from a graph. * MathXpert's graphs are mathematically correct, beautiful, and easily manipulated

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:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


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