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Towards a Thermodynamic Theory for Ecological Systems

By S.E. Jorgensen, Y.M. Svirezhev,
Publisher: Pergamon
Number Of Pages: 380
Publication Date: 2004-07-06
Sales Rank: 745774
ISBN / ASIN: 008044167X
EAN: 9780080441672
Binding: Paperback
Manufacturer: Pergamon
Studio: Pergamon
Average Rating: 5
The book presents a consistent and complete ecosystem theory based on thermodynamic concepts. The first chapters are devoted to an interpretation of the first and second law of thermodynamics in ecosystem context. Then Prigogine's use of far from equilibrium thermodynamic is used on ecosystems to explain their reactions to perturbations. The introduction of the concept exergy makes it possible to give a more profound and comprehensive explanation of the ecosystem's reactions and growth-patterns. A tentative fourth law of thermodynamic is formulated and applied to facilitate these explanations. The trophic chain, the global energy and radiation balance and pattern and the reactions of ecological networks are all explained by the use of exergy. Finally, it is discussed how the presented theory can be applied more widely to explain ecological observations and rules, to assess ecosystem health and to develop ecological models.
Towards thermodynamics of Jorgensen-Svirezhev theory
I recommend this book to every post-graduate student and young scientist as a stimulant of scientific creativity. The book is written in such a provocative manner that one cannot resist the temptation to be as brilliant as the authors, or at least to try. At the same time the "official" annotation of the book may mislead those who are interesting only in thermodynamics. The authors use thermodynamics simply as a language to express their understanding of ecosystem dynamics and evolution. They explain the "grammar" of the language in use, and so one need not know thermodynamics very well before reading. The book is self-contained in that sense. Nevertheless, the large part of Jorgensen-Svirezhev theory is not derived from thermodynamics. It stems from their experience in ecological modeling and looks like a set of the rules of thumb that two prominent ecologists wrapped into fancy words to entertain and thus to involve us, lazy students and negligent readers, in thinking about the things which are really worth to think on.
Georgii A. Alexandrov, Ph.D. in biophysics
Towards thermodynamics of Jorgensen-Svirezhev theory
I recommend this book to every post-graduate student and young scientist as a stimulant of scientific creativity. The book is written in such a provocative manner that one cannot resist the temptation to be as brilliant as the authors, or at least to try. At the same time the "official" annotation of the book may mislead those who are interesting only in thermodynamics. The authors use thermodynamics simply as a language to express their understanding of ecosystem dynamics and evolution. They explain the "grammar" of the language in use, and so one need not know thermodynamics very well before reading. The book is self-contained in that sense. Nevertheless, the large part of Jorgensen-Svirezhev theory is not derived from thermodynamics. It stems from their experience in ecological modeling and looks like a set of the rules of thumb that two prominent ecologists wrapped into fancy words to entertain and thus to involve us, lazy students and negligent readers, in thinking about the things which are really worth to think on.
Georgii A. Alexandrov, Ph.D. in biophysics