Rosen and Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult 3ed Edn
By Jeffrey J Schaider, Stephen R Hayden, Richard E Wolfe, Roger M Barkin, Peter Rosen

Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Number Of Pages: 1336
Publication Date: 2006-11-01
Sales Rank: 77093
ISBN / ASIN: 0781771722
EAN: 9780781771726
Book Description:
This best-selling emergency department reference is now in its thoroughly updated Third Edition. The foremost authorities provide practical information on over 600 clinical problems in a fast-access two-page outline format that's perfect for on-the-spot consultation.
Coverage of each disorder includes clinical presentation, pre-hospital, diagnosis, treatment, disposition, and ICD-10 coding. Icons enable practitioners to quickly spot the information they need. This edition provides up-to-date information on topics such as emerging infections, new protocols, and new treatments.

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