§§ Essential Animal Behavior §§


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طاقم الإدارة

Essential Animal Behavior


Product Details:

Paperback: 216 pages
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing, Incorporated (August 1, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN: 0632057998
Format: PDF
Size: 7.49 MB

Book Description:

Essential Animal Behavior provides a comprehensive introduction to all areas of the subject: from the genetic and neurobiological control of behavior to the learning, development, and function of behavior in an evolutionary context. Social behaviour is also covered throughout the text.Written in a concise and engaging style, this new book:- includes examples from both marine and terrestrial environments around the world- places current research alongside classic examples, and- puts the study of animal behavior in an applied context, emphasizing the implications for animal welfare and animal conservation.Carefully designed to meet the needs of students coming to the subject for the first time, the book includes the following features:- key concept boxes- Focus on boxes- chapter summaries- guided reading to aid revision and further study- case studies and boxed examples that reinforce essential points, and- questions for discussion.This book is essential reading for degree-level students following modular programs in biology, zoology, marine biology, and psychology.


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