Concise Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, Fifth Edition

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
Number Of Pages: 2300
Publication Date: 2004-10
ISBN / ASIN: 0071429573
EAN: 9780071429573
Book Description:
* The most widely used science reference of its kind
* More than 7,000 concise articles covering more than 90 disciplines of science and technology, all in one volume
* Based on the content of the world-respected McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 9th Edition
* More than 1600 two-color illustrations
* Features numerous cross-referenences, an extensive index, and bibliographies
* Appendix with biographical listings of important scientists, listings of scientific symbols and units, mathematical notations, fundamental concepts, and more
* Extensively updated with 1500 new and rewritten articles
* Includes coverage of the hottest areas of science and technology, including biomedical science, chemistry, cosmology, information science, environmental science, nanotechnology, and theoretical physics

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