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أرجوكم أنا في حاجة شديد لكتاب
Food Chemistry
3rd revised edition
by H. Belitz, W. Grosch, P. Schieberle
translated from the 5th German edition

Belitz's Food Chemistry 3rd edition has been extensively re-written and a number of new topics, many of which will be of particular interest to food technologists, have been introduced or completely revised. The book now comprises more than 620 tables and 472 figures, including the structural formulae of around 1.100 food components.
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عفواً إخواني لم أعثر على هذا الكتاب و لكن وجدت لكم هذا الكتاب أرجو أن يفي بالغرض :

Principles of Food Chemistry, 3rd Edition *Food Science Texts Series


By: John M.de Man
ISBN-10: 083421234X ISBN-13: 9780834212343
Publisher: Springer - 1999-02-01
Hardcover | 3 Edition | 520 Pages

Editorial Review:

This popular and widely used text/reference has been updated, revised and substantially expanded. The new edition contains a complete overview of the chemical and physical properties of the major and minor food components and their changes during processing, handling and storage. Food chapters cover water, lipids, carbohydrates, protein, minerals, vitamins and enzymes. Also covered are color, flavor and texture, as well as additives and contaminants. A new chapter discusses the bases of regulatory control of food composition and quality. Full of illustrations and tables, each chapter also contains a bibliography, providing readers with quick access to the relevant literature. An Instructor's manual is available to adopting professors.

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للأسف لم أعثر على الكتاب كامل و إنما عثرت على موقع جوجل به مقاطع من الكتاب :
Food Chemistry
By Peter Schieberle, Hans-Dieter Belitz, Werner Grosch

The 3rd edition has been extensively re-written and a number of new topics, many of which will be of particular interest to food technologists, have been introduced or completely revised. The book now comprises more than 620 tables and 472 figures, including the structural formulae of around 1.100 food components. This well-known and world-wide accepted advanced text and reference book is logically organized according to food constituents and commodities. It provides students and researchers in food science, food technology, agricultural chemistry and nutrition with up-to-date information. The extensive use of tables for easy reference, the wealth of information given, and the comprehensive subject index supports the advanced student into getting in-depth insight into food chemistry and technology and makes this book also a valuable on the job reference for chemists, food chemists, food technologists, engineers, biochemists, nutritionists, and analytical chemists in food and agricultural research, food industry, nutrition, food control, and service laboratories. From reviews of the first edition "Few books on food chemistry treat the subject as exhaustivelyresearchers will find it to be a useful source of information. It is easy to read and the material is systematically presented." JACS
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