Immunology كتاب اساسيات المناعة Essential Immunology


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بما ان اكثر الكتب التي طرحت في المنتدى كانت كتب وراثة و احياء مجهرية , فساحاول ايجاد كتب في كل الاختصاصات و اول كتاب هو كتاب في المناعة و هو كتاب Essential Immunology (Essentials) لمؤلفه ايفان رويت , يعني بين قوسين راااااااااائع


By Ivan M. Roitt, Peter J. Delves
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing, Incorporated
Number Of Pages: 496
Publication Date: 2001-07-01

Book Description:
Essential Immunology is the best of the immunology primers. It clearly outdistances other textbooks in this area by its scope, its organization, its clarity, and its ability to convey a carefully balanced and up-to-date view of immunology. The medical student who first comes on the mysteries of immunology here, as well as the seasoned immunologist, will find it an adventure and joy to read.
End-of-chapter summaries help review learned material
Chapter begin with a summary of what's to come for easy navigation
Contains a detailed glossary of terms and abbreviations

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  • Essential Immunology (Essentials).txt
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