الفيزياء الرياضية كتابين مهمين Computation of special functions و Handbook of special functions: derivatives, ...

الموضوع في 'قسم الفيزياء' بواسطة Elmajbery, بتاريخ ‏ديسمبر 16, 2015.

  1. Elmajbery

    Elmajbery Well-Known Member

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏يوليو 21, 2008
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    كتابين قيمين اوردهما الاستاذ الفاضل منذ مدة هنا أجدد رابطهما فقط

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    الكتابان هما


    Computation of special functions
    Shanjie Zhang, Jianming Jin
    Deals with the automatic computation of special functions which appear in all areas of engineering and the physical sciences. Contains over 100 computer programs written by the authors and describes the algorithms to provide readers with specific information about each individual program. Consisting of three sections, the first one presents an introduction to the special function to be dealt with, its major properties, and several formulas needed for its computation. The second segment features algorithms for computing the special function and the related quantities and lists corresponding Fortran-77 programs. The final part tabulates representative results to offer a quick outlook on the function's behavior and to check the computed results. The accompanying disk contains all the computer programs discussed in the text.

    Handbook of special functions: derivatives, integrals, series and other formulas

    Because of the numerous applications involved in this field, the theory of special functions is under permanent development, especially regarding the requirements for modern computer algebra methods. The Handbook of Special Functions provides in-depth coverage of special functions, which are used to help solve many of the most difficult problems in physics, engineering, and mathematics. The book presents new results along with well-known formulas used in many of the most important mathematical methods in order to solve a wide variety of problems. It also discusses formulas of connection and conversion for elementary and special functions, such as hypergeometric and Meijer G functions.

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    آخر تعديل: ‏ديسمبر 16, 2015
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