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Robert G. Brown (Duke University Physics Department) has written this book to help the reader understand and create a beowulf-class Linux based parallel (super)compute cluster. This book is not a text on computer science, but rather is aimed at those ranging from clever high school students with a few old x86 boxes and an ethernet hub to play with to senior systems programmers interested in engineering a world-class beowulf, and also towards pointy-haired bosses, linux neophytes, hobbyists, and serious entrepreneurs. The author has written this book to be readable and fun as opposed to heavy and detailed. This shouldn't seriously detract from its utility. Half of the fun (or profit) of beowulfery comes from the process of discovery where one takes the relatively simple idea of a beowulf and a few tools and crafts the best possible solution to your problem(s) for far less than one could purchase the solution commercially on ``big iron'' supercomputers.
Engineering a Linux Beowulf-style Compute Cluster:
Introduction and Overview:
...* Introduction
..........o What's a Beowulf?
..........o What's a Beowulf Good For?
..........o Historical Perspective and Religious Homage
...* Overview of Beowulf Design
..........o Beowulf Design Protocol
...............+ Task Profiling and Analysis
...............+ Parallelizing your Code
...............+ Building Price and Performance Tables
..........o Protocol Summary
...* Organization of this Book
Parallel Programs:
...* Estimating the Speedup: Amdahl's Law
..........o Amdahl's Law
..........o Better Estimates for the Speedup
..........o Visualizing the Performance Scaling
...* Bottlenecks
...* IPC's, Granularity and Barriers
..........o Shared Networks
..........o Switched Networks
...* Profiling
...* Specific Parallel Models
..........o Embarrassingly Parallel Computations
...............+ The Network is the Computer: MOSIX
...............+ Batch Systems with a Heart: Condor
...............+ Master-Slave Calculations
..........o Lattice Models
..........o Long Range Models
Beowulf Hardware:
...* Node Hardware
..........o Rates, Latencies and Bandwidths
...............+ Microbenchmarking Tools
...............+ Lmbench Results
...............+ Netperf Results
...............+ CPU Results
..........o Conclusions
...* Network Hardware
..........o Basic Networking 101
...............+ Networking Concepts
...............+ TCP/IP
..........o Ethernet
...............+ 10 Mbps Ethernet
...............+ 100 Mbps Ethernet
...............+ 1000 Mbps Ethernet
..........o The Dolphin Serial Channel Interconnect
..........o Myrinet
Building a Beowulf:
...* Building and Maintaining a Beowulf
..........o Physical Infrastructure
...............+ Location, location, location
..........o Power and Cooling for your Beowulf
..........o Building ``Workstation''-like Nodes
..........o Building the Beowulf
...............+ Expensive but Simple
...............+ Cheap, Scalable, and Robust
...............+ Cheapest and Hardest: Diskless Nodes
..........o Beowulf Maintenance
...* Tools and Tricks
...* The Food Chain: Recycling your Beowulf
...* Beowulfs Made to Order: Turnkey Vendors
..........o Guidelines for Turnkey Vendor Submissions
Beowulfs Everywhere:
...* Beowulfs in Business
...* Beowulfs in Schools
...* Beowulfs in Government
...* Beowulfs in Developing Countries
...* Beowulfs at Home
..........o Everything You Wanted to Know about Home Networking but were Afraid to Ask
..........o The Rest of the Story
...* Justifying a Beowulf
..........o Beowulf Description
...* Portable Beowulfs
..........o Special Engineering Problems
..........o Portable Example(s)
...* Conclusions: The Path to the Future
...* Beowulf Software: Libraries, Programs, Benchmarks
...* Beowulf Hardware: Computers, Networks, Switches
...* Beowulfery and Me: a Short Memoir
...* Bibliography
Linux Beowulf Cluster Talks and Papers:
These talks and papers will get you better acquainted and knowledgeable about Linux Clusters. They are listed in their order of creation.
Robert G. Brown (Duke University Physics Department) has written this book to help the reader understand and create a beowulf-class Linux based parallel (super)compute cluster. This book is not a text on computer science, but rather is aimed at those ranging from clever high school students with a few old x86 boxes and an ethernet hub to play with to senior systems programmers interested in engineering a world-class beowulf, and also towards pointy-haired bosses, linux neophytes, hobbyists, and serious entrepreneurs. The author has written this book to be readable and fun as opposed to heavy and detailed. This shouldn't seriously detract from its utility. Half of the fun (or profit) of beowulfery comes from the process of discovery where one takes the relatively simple idea of a beowulf and a few tools and crafts the best possible solution to your problem(s) for far less than one could purchase the solution commercially on ``big iron'' supercomputers.
Engineering a Linux Beowulf-style Compute Cluster:
Introduction and Overview:
...* Introduction
..........o What's a Beowulf?
..........o What's a Beowulf Good For?
..........o Historical Perspective and Religious Homage
...* Overview of Beowulf Design
..........o Beowulf Design Protocol
...............+ Task Profiling and Analysis
...............+ Parallelizing your Code
...............+ Building Price and Performance Tables
..........o Protocol Summary
...* Organization of this Book
Parallel Programs:
...* Estimating the Speedup: Amdahl's Law
..........o Amdahl's Law
..........o Better Estimates for the Speedup
..........o Visualizing the Performance Scaling
...* Bottlenecks
...* IPC's, Granularity and Barriers
..........o Shared Networks
..........o Switched Networks
...* Profiling
...* Specific Parallel Models
..........o Embarrassingly Parallel Computations
...............+ The Network is the Computer: MOSIX
...............+ Batch Systems with a Heart: Condor
...............+ Master-Slave Calculations
..........o Lattice Models
..........o Long Range Models
Beowulf Hardware:
...* Node Hardware
..........o Rates, Latencies and Bandwidths
...............+ Microbenchmarking Tools
...............+ Lmbench Results
...............+ Netperf Results
...............+ CPU Results
..........o Conclusions
...* Network Hardware
..........o Basic Networking 101
...............+ Networking Concepts
...............+ TCP/IP
..........o Ethernet
...............+ 10 Mbps Ethernet
...............+ 100 Mbps Ethernet
...............+ 1000 Mbps Ethernet
..........o The Dolphin Serial Channel Interconnect
..........o Myrinet
Building a Beowulf:
...* Building and Maintaining a Beowulf
..........o Physical Infrastructure
...............+ Location, location, location
..........o Power and Cooling for your Beowulf
..........o Building ``Workstation''-like Nodes
..........o Building the Beowulf
...............+ Expensive but Simple
...............+ Cheap, Scalable, and Robust
...............+ Cheapest and Hardest: Diskless Nodes
..........o Beowulf Maintenance
...* Tools and Tricks
...* The Food Chain: Recycling your Beowulf
...* Beowulfs Made to Order: Turnkey Vendors
..........o Guidelines for Turnkey Vendor Submissions
Beowulfs Everywhere:
...* Beowulfs in Business
...* Beowulfs in Schools
...* Beowulfs in Government
...* Beowulfs in Developing Countries
...* Beowulfs at Home
..........o Everything You Wanted to Know about Home Networking but were Afraid to Ask
..........o The Rest of the Story
...* Justifying a Beowulf
..........o Beowulf Description
...* Portable Beowulfs
..........o Special Engineering Problems
..........o Portable Example(s)
...* Conclusions: The Path to the Future
...* Beowulf Software: Libraries, Programs, Benchmarks
...* Beowulf Hardware: Computers, Networks, Switches
...* Beowulfery and Me: a Short Memoir
...* Bibliography
Linux Beowulf Cluster Talks and Papers:
These talks and papers will get you better acquainted and knowledgeable about Linux Clusters. They are listed in their order of creation.