برنامج Didger v.3


مشرف عام كلية الهندسة
طاقم الإدارة
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته...


Version 3


Didger is a highly accurate digitizing program that will be an invaluable addition to your software library. In seconds, Didger precisely transforms points, lines, or areas from your paper maps, graphs, aerial photos, scanned raster images, imported vector files, or GeoTIFF images to a versatile digital format you can use with your other software. You name it and Didger can handle it quickly, accurately, and usefully. With Didger’s multitude of features and ease-of-use, this is an unbelievable value, considering the time and effort you will save!! You will soon wonder how you have done your job without this indispensable tool.

لمزيد من المعلومات: http://www.goldensoftware.com/products/didger/didger.shtml

شرح فيديو: http://www.goldensoftware.com/supportvideo.shtml
الحجم 18 ميجا علي موقع 4shared.com

في المرفقات


  • Didger 3.txt
    192 بايت · المشاهدات: 124
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