Internal Medicine Oxford Handbook Of Clinical Diagnosis

أبو القاسم

مستشار كلية الطب
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Diagnosis

By Huw Llewelyn, Hock Aun Ang, Keir E. Lewis, Anees Al-Abdulla,

Book Description:
The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Diagnosis helps the reader to interpret symptoms, physical signs and initial test results and to allow students (or doctors not familiar with all aspects of medicine) to arrive at diagnoses logically and to explain their reasoning confidently. The book starts with a review of the techniques of history taking and examination, with hints on how to interpret the information and practical advice on the diagnostic process. The bulk of the book is divided by body system and describes the findings that can emerge at each stage of the assessment process. The main differential diagnoses of significant findings are given as a starting point for the diagnostic reasoning process. With each diagnosis is listed the findings which suggests that the diagnosis might be present and the evidence which confirms the diagnosis. This unique book concentrates entirely on the diagnosis, referring readers to the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine and Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties for management information. It will also train readers to describe the diagnosis and reasoning behind it to a patient, relative, peer, or senior colleague.
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