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برنامج ProCAD 3DSmart v2007.1
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برنامج ProCAD 3DSmart v2007.1
3DSMART is PROCAD’s answer to creating efficient, accurate 3D models more quickly and easily than you ever thought possible. As a multidimensional 3D design solution, 3DSMART combines the most advanced technology with incredible efficiency, increased productivity and surprising affordability. Designed for ease of use, 3DSMART’s diverse functionality enables you to regularly complete projects on time and on budget. Simply put, 3DSMART is the smartest, easiest way to do the complex job of 3D plant design. This dynamic, multi-functional software comes standard with all the modules you need to execute a 3D project, including:
- Project Manager
- Specification Manager
- Modeler
- BOM Generator
- BOM Settings Manager
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