Cardiology & ECG Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts

أبو القاسم

مستشار كلية الطب

Book Description

This new textbook, authored by Dr. Klabunde, stresses the fundamental concepts of cardiovascular physiology. It was written to enable students to learn how the cardiovascular system functions in order to build a foundation for understanding cardiovascular disease, its diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, the textbook is particularly well-suited for first and second year medical students, as well as students in allied health sciences and health profession training programs (e.g., nursing, physician assistant, cardiac rehabilitation, paramedic, exercise physiology and sports medicine). The textbook seamlessly integrates classical biophysical and biochemical principles with modern cellular physiology. These principles are placed into a clinical context by incorporating numerous pathophysiological examples and clinical cases.

The textbook consists of nine chapters (235 pages, 123 illustrations). Each chapter begins with an outline and a list of learning objectives. Chapters contain problems and clinical cases that reinforce physiologic principles. Each chapter concludes with a summary of key concepts followed by self-assessment questions in a multiple choice format. The answers, with explanations, are found in the appendix. Packaged with the textbook is a CD-ROM that contains the entire textbook in electronic form, tools to self-assess learning, and 20 supplemental files. This additional content includes more detailed explanations of concepts presented in the textbook.​


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    23 بايت · المشاهدات: 62