الســـلام عليكـــم و رحمـــة الله و بركـــاتـــــه
FlashGet v1.8.6.1008 - Final
FlashGet برنـامج رااائع لتسريع عملية التحميل فهو يتمتع بالاٍدارة الكــاملة في تحميــل الملفـاتFlashGet v1.8.6.1008 - Final
كمـا يمكنك تحميل الملف على اقســام متتالية و بأوقـات مختلفة البرنامج يتميز بالسرعة القصوى في تحميل الملفـات
و هو سهل في الاستعمــال و به العديد من المميزات ستكتشفهـا بنفسك...
هذا آخر اصدار للبرنامــج 29.05.2007 .........
FlashGet (formerly JetCar) is specifically designed to address two of the biggest problems when downloading files: Speed and management of downloaded files. If you've ever waited forever for your files to download from a slow connection, or been cut off mid-way through a download - or just can't keep track of your ever-growing downloads - FlashGet is for you. FlashGet can split downloaded files into sections, downloading each section simultaneously, for an increase in downloading speed from 100% to 500%. This, coupled with FlashGet's powerful and easy-to-use management features, helps you take control of your downloads like never before
حجــم البرنــامــج:4.4MBFlashGet Version 1.8.6 (2007.05.29)
*Fixed that eMule module pretends to crash with certain firewalls
*Fixed the bug that FlashGet does not monitor ed2k link after default installation
*Fixed the bug that unreadable codes occur when read/write file name in certain situation
*Fixed the bug of repeatedly popping up New job window in certain situation