طلب الكتاب Interacting Boson Models of Nuclear Structure


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ارجو المساعدة فى تنزيل الكتاب .

Interacting Boson Models of Nuclear Structure
D. Bonatsos
هل يفيدك هذا الكتاب

F. Iachello, P. van Isacker - The Interacting Boson-Fermion ModelPublished: 1991-08-30 | ISBN: 0521380928, 0521021642 | PDF | 328 pages | 3 MB

This book describes the mathematical framework on which the interacting boson-fermion model is built and presents applications to a variety of situations encountered in nuclei. It addresses both the analytical and the numerical aspects of the problem. The analytical aspect requires the introduction of rather complex group theoretic methods, including the use of graded (or super) Lie algebras. The first (and so far only) example of supersymmetry occurring in nature is also discussed.
التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:
thanks dear brother, really I have this book , but I know that you are tired your self for me , because the uploaded book is in same field of interacting boson model. so dear brother so thanks for you.
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