Xilisoft DVD Ripper Platinum v6.0.12.0914 برنامج لتحويل فيديو DVD الى جميع الصيغ المعروفة ؟؟؟


طاقم الإدارة
الســــلام عليكـــم و رحمــــة الله و بركـــاتــــه

Xilisoft DVD Ripper Platinum v6.0.12.0914


من البرامج الرائعة في تحويل فيديو DVD الى جميع الصيغ المعروفة
كمــا يمكنك فصل الصوت عن الفيديو و تحويله الى MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC, AC3, M4A, MP2, OGG
برنامج رااائع و سريع في التحويل و بواجهة جميلة و هو يعتبر من افضل برامج التحويل
هذا آخر اصدار للبرنامج + السيريال على شبكة كتــــــاب العرب..

Xilisoft DVD Ripper Platinum is all-in-one DVD rip software?with powerful and integrative functions, which can rip DVD to popular video and audio formats such as DVD to DivX, MPEG, WMV, MP3 with ease.. So easy to use and fast than ever before, just few click to rip DVD!
It includes features of DVD Ripper and DVD Audio Ripper. No DVD rip software supports so comprehensive video and audio formats, i.e., rip DVD to all popular video formats such as DVD to DivX, AVI, MPEG, WMV, RM, MOV, MP4, 3GP, 3G2, ASF, rip DVD to audio formats including MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC, AC3, M4A, MP2, OGG with the fastest speed.
Compare with other DVD rip software, DVD Ripper Platinum is full functionality that easy to use and multiple options, allows you to rip DVD by custom file size, rip DVD any segment, supports select target subtitle and audio track. It compare with other DVD converter, will provide you with a new experience in DVD ripping with its high ripping speed, wonderful output quality, full functionality and multiple options.
Features of "Xilisoft DVD Ripper Platinum":
- It can support many personal multimedia devices such as PSP, iPod, PDA and MP4 player etc.
- It is available to auto-detects your CPU, so the ripping will be done at the best ripping speed.
- With Xilisoft DVD Ripper Platinum, you can find many options to set or just keep default settings.
- It supports ripping DVD by custom file size.
- It can auto-split output file into several files to fit CD-R or other device.
- It allows you to select target subtitle and audio track.
- Output file size is adjustable, so you can compress movies to any size you like.
- It supports batch conversion, you can select all files you want to copy and it will automatically copy them one by one.
- It supports preview. You can see the ripping progress in preview window etc.
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  • Serial For Xilisoft DVD Ripper Platinum v4.0.75.0525.txt
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