السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Safe management of wastes from health-care activities
A. Pruss, E. Giroult, Philip Rushbrook
A guide to the safe and efficient handling, treatment and disposal of all categories of hazardous waste generated by health-care activities. The work opens with a definition and characterization of hazardous health-care wastes categorized as infectious waste, pathological waste, sharps, pharmaceutical waste, genotoxic waste, chemical waste, waste with high content of heavy metals, pressurized containers, and radioactive waste. The health consequences of exposure to each category of waste are described in the next chapter. Other chapters consider legislative, regulatory and policy issues, and offer a step-by-step guide to the planning of waste management, including a model survey questionnaire for gathering data on waste generation and management practices in hospitals
رابط التحميل
بالتوفيق إن شاء الله
Safe management of wastes from health-care activities
A. Pruss, E. Giroult, Philip Rushbrook

A guide to the safe and efficient handling, treatment and disposal of all categories of hazardous waste generated by health-care activities. The work opens with a definition and characterization of hazardous health-care wastes categorized as infectious waste, pathological waste, sharps, pharmaceutical waste, genotoxic waste, chemical waste, waste with high content of heavy metals, pressurized containers, and radioactive waste. The health consequences of exposure to each category of waste are described in the next chapter. Other chapters consider legislative, regulatory and policy issues, and offer a step-by-step guide to the planning of waste management, including a model survey questionnaire for gathering data on waste generation and management practices in hospitals
رابط التحميل
بالتوفيق إن شاء الله