أبو القاسم
مستشار كلية الطب

Book Description:
As more anaesthetists become involved in critical care and other areas of perioperative management, they need to be able to request radiological investigations, and interpret the results quickly and accurately. This concise and fully illustrated book covers the key aspects of imaging that are of relevance to anaesthetists and intensivists, and examines all imaging modalities that are likely to be called upon (plain film, CT, MRI etc.). The book is organised logically by body system for ease of access to information and is written by a team of radiologists and anaesthetists, providing a dual perspective. • The interpretation of radiological images now makes up an increasing part of an anaesthetists workload • Written by both radiologists and anaesthetists, to provide a multidisciplinary perspective • Focuses on the areas of immediate relevance to anaesthesia, intensive care and perioperative care • Fully illustrated with over 200 high-quality illustrative scans