Rapid Review: Biochemistry -CD ROM


New Member

  • Publisher: Mosby
  • Number Of Pages: 270
  • Publication Date: 2003-03-01
  • Sales Rank: 171015
  • ISBN / ASIN: 0323008356
  • EAN: 9780323008358
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Manufacturer: Mosby
  • Studio: Mosby
  • Average Rating: 4.5
  • Total Reviews: 2

Book Description:
This text offers a comprehensive yet concise review of biochemistry while discussing all of the relevant clinical information. The review chapters in the first section of the text are in a user-friendly outline format with high-yield information located in margin notes and clinical topics discussed within the outline and in clinical boxes. The second section of the book contains two 50-questions exams in USMLE format. A CD-ROM that accompanies the book contains a full-color art program, 500 board-style questions and answers with rationales for correct answers as well as all incorrect choices, and a quizzing function that gives scores at the end of the exams.


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