[حصريا] كتاب: Teaching Reflective Learning in Higher Education


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تم تحميل الكتاب،
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أكرمك الله أستاذنا الفاضل
تقريبا الحال من بعضه، انت تعرف ظروفي الحالية، لكن سأحاول بإذن الله إن توفر الوقت
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Teaching Reflective Learning in Higher Education

Mary Elizabeth Ryan
This book is about understanding the nature and application of reflection in higher education. It provides a theoretical model to guide the implementation of reflective learning and reflective practice across multiple disciplines and international contexts in higher education. The book presents research into the ways in which reflection is both considered and implemented in different ways across different professional disciplines, while maintaining a common purpose to transform and improve learning and/or practice.
Readers will find this book innovative and new in three key ways. First, in its holistic theorisation of reflection within the pedagogic field of higher education; Secondly, in conceptualising reflection in different modes to achieve specific purposes in different disciplines; and finally, in providing conceptual guidance for embedding reflective learning and reflective practice in a systematic way across whole programmes, faculties or institutions in higher education. The book considers important contextual factors that influence the teaching of forms and methods of reflection. It provides a functional analysis of multiple modes of reflection, including written, oral, visual, auditory, and embodied forms. Empirical chapters analyse the application of these modes across disciplines and at different stages of a programme. The theoretical model accounts for students’ stage of development in the disciplinary field, along with progressive and cyclical levels of higher order thinking, and learning and professional practice that are expected within different disciplines and professional fields.
التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:
This book is about understanding the nature and application of reflection in higher education. It provides a theoretical model to guide the implementation of reflective learning and reflective practice across multiple disciplines and international contexts in higher education. The book presents research into the ways in which reflection is both considered and implemented in different ways across different professional disciplines, while maintaining a common purpose to transform and improve learning and/or practice.
Readers will find this book innovative and new in three key ways. First, in its holistic theorisation of reflection within the pedagogic field of higher education; Secondly, in conceptualising reflection in different modes to achieve specific purposes in different disciplines; and finally, in providing conceptual guidance for embedding reflective learning and reflective practice in a systematic way across whole programmes, faculties or institutions in higher education. The book considers important contextual factors that influence the teaching of forms and methods of reflection. It provides a functional analysis of multiple modes of reflection, including written, oral, visual, auditory, and embodied forms. Empirical chapters analyse the application of these modes across disciplines and at different stages of a programme. The theoretical model accounts for students’ stage of development in the disciplinary field, along with progressive and cyclical levels of higher order thinking, and learning and professional practice that are expected within different disciplines and professional fields.
هذه خطوة أولى ممتازة أخي الكريم
ولكني كنت اتمنى الترجمة باللغة العربية، حيث ان كيفية ترجمة بعض الكلمات والمصطلحات تختلف من حقل علمي الى آخر
فمثلا لو استخدمت الترجمة التي اعرفها للمصطلحات وبعض الكلمات من خلال ثقافتي العلمية والهندسية، تكون الترجمة غير مناسبة تماما
لذلك يستحسن ان يقوم بالترجمة من يعيش في وسط يتحدث اللغة الانكليزية
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تم تحميل الكتاب،
ياريت احد من الاعضاء يكتب خلاصة عنه،
لولا انشغالي الشديد هذه الايام لكنت بادرت الى الكتابة عنه
تحياتي الى د. محمد والى الجميع
شكراً أخي د. محمد على الكتاب

كان بودي ترجمة الملخص ولكنني مشغول جداً حيث أنني مسافر لمؤتمر بعد أيام قليلة وبعده بيومين مؤتمراً آخر

تحياتي للجميع
شكراً أخي د. محمد على الكتاب

كان بودي ترجمة الملخص ولكنني مشغول جداً حيث أنني مسافر لمؤتمر بعد أيام قليلة وبعده بيومين مؤتمراً آخر

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