Radiology Obstetric Ultrasound, Principles And Techniques


Obstetric Ultrasound,
Principles And Techniques
Published by SilverPlatter Education for the American Medical Association

Mark Deutchman, MD
Associate Professor of Family Medicine
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center

System Requirements :

. 8MB of memory (RAM)
. Microsoft Windows version 3.1 ( or Windows 3.0 with the Multimedia Extensions v1.0 )
. QuickTime for Windows
. At least 4MB of free disk space
. MS DOS version 5.0 or later
. MPC standard CD-ROM player
. A color monitor capable of displaying at least 256 colors in 640 by 480 pixels
. A SoundBlaster compatible sound card and speakers
. A 486 PC or higher

After completion of the first trimester sonography sections of this course, the user should be able to:
- recognize the chorionic sac
- identify the embryo and associated structures
- recognize and measure the embryo crown-rump length
- recognize the embryonic heartbeat during real-time scanning
- recognize fetal number
- evaluate the uterus
- evaluate adnexal structures

After completion of the second and third trimester sonography sections of this course, the user should be able to:
- recognize fetal cardiac activity
- recognize fetal number
- recognize fetal presentation
- evaluate amniotic fluid quantity
- recognize placental location
- calculate fetal gestational age by biparietal diameter occipitofrontal diameter head circumference abdominal circumference femur length
- evaluate the uterus and adnexal structures
- conduct a fetal anatomic survey cerebral ventricles heart spine stomach urinary bladder umbilical cord insertion site renal region

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