السلام عليكم أخوانى العرب
إليكم إخوانى هذا الإصدار الجديد من البرنامج المعروف Spyware Doctor
و هو برنامج يحمى جهازك من الإختراق ومن ملفات التجسس و أيضا spyware.
Spyware Doctor provides three-way spyware protection for your PC through real-time threat blocking, advanced system scanning and immunization against known browser infections. This is one of the many reasons why the award-winning Spyware Doctor has been chosen by millions of users to protect their PCs against spyware, adware, trojans, keyloggers, spybots and other tracking threats.
رابط التحميل على الرابيدشير
إليكم إخوانى هذا الإصدار الجديد من البرنامج المعروف Spyware Doctor
و هو برنامج يحمى جهازك من الإختراق ومن ملفات التجسس و أيضا spyware.

Spyware Doctor provides three-way spyware protection for your PC through real-time threat blocking, advanced system scanning and immunization against known browser infections. This is one of the many reasons why the award-winning Spyware Doctor has been chosen by millions of users to protect their PCs against spyware, adware, trojans, keyloggers, spybots and other tracking threats.
رابط التحميل على الرابيدشير