الرياضيات التطبيقية رابط لتحميل العديد من كتب الفيزياء في موضوع الحركيات الاخطية والفوضى Nonlinear chaos


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الحركيات اللاخطية والفوضىphysics / Nonlinear chaos

هذه هي الكتب التي توجد على هذا الرابط

Medio A., M.Lines. Non-linear Dynamics.. A Primer (CUP,2001)(ISBN 0521551862)(309s)_PNc_.pdf
1.5 Mb application/pdf
Nonlinear and turbulent processes in physics (vol.1, Proc. workshop, Kiev,...

Rugh W.J. Nonlinear system theory.. the Volterra-Wiener approach (1981)(T)(338s).djvu

E'fros. Fizika i geometrija besporyadka (ru)(T)(260s).djvu

Kuznecov. Dinamicheskij haos (ru)(T)(294s).djvu

Wiggins S. Chaotic Transport in Dynamical Systems (Springer, 1992)(K)(T)(ISBN 0387975225)(305s).djvu

Argyris J., Faust G., Haase M. An Exploration of Chaos (North-Holland, 1994)(ISBN...

Przytycki F., Urbanski M. Conformal fractals, dimensions and ergodic theory (book draft, CUP,...

Gukenhejmer Dzh., Holms F. Nelinejnye kolebaniya, dinamicheskie sistemy i bifurkacii vektornyh...

Primack, Smilansky. Quantum 3D Sinai billiard.. a semiclassical analysis (PR327 p1, 2000)(107s).pdf

Zakharov V.E., L'vov V.S., Falkovich G. Kolmogorov spectra of turbulence 1. Wave turbulence...

Sparrow C. The Lorenz Equations. Bifurcations, Chaos, and Strange Attractors (Appl.Math.Sci. 41,...

Wiggins S. Introduction to applied nonlinear dynamical systems and chaos (Springer, 1996)(K)(ISBN...

Kapitaniak T., S.Bishop. Dictionary of Nonlinear Dynamics (Wiley,1999)(ISBN...

Crauel H., M.Gundlach. Stochastic Dynamics (Springer,1999)(ISBN 0387985123)(457s)_PNc_.pdf

Shryoder. Xaos i stepennye zakony (2001) (ru)(T)(528s).djvu

Cvitanovic et al. Classical and quantum chaos book (web version 9.2.3, 2002)(750s)_PNc_.pdf

Escande D.F. Stochasticity in classical Hamiltonian systems.. universal aspects (PR121,...

Hilborn R.C. Chaos and nonlinear dynamics (2ed., Oxford)(ISBN 01985072392)(KA)(L)(T)(654s)_PNc_.djvu

Haken H. Synergetik (Springer, 1990)(de)(T)(ISBN 3540516921)(402s).djvu

Giannoni M.-J., Voros A., Zinn-Justin J. (eds.) Chaos and quantum physics (Les Houches notes...

Sachdev P.L. Self-similarity and beyond.. exact solutions of nonlinear problems (CRC, 2000)(ISBN...

Lasota A., Mackey M.C. Probabilistic properties of deterministic systems (CUP, 1985)(L)(T)(ISBN...

Simo K., i dr. Sovremennye problemy haosa i nelinejnosti (RXD, 2002)(ru)(K)(T)(304s)_PNc_.djvu

Prigogine I., Nicolis G. Self-Organization In Non-Equilibrium Systems (Wiley,...

Ryue'l'. Sluchajnost' i haos (populyarno) (ru)(T)(192s).djvu

Zaslavskij G.M., R.Z.Sagdeev, D.A.Usikov, A.A.Chernikov. Slabyj xaos i kvaziregulyarnye struktury...

Bonatti C., Diaz L.J., Viana M. Dynamics beyond uniform hyperbolicity (ISBN 3540220666)(Springer,...

Horton W., Ichikawa Y.-H. Chaos and structures in nonlinear plasmas (WS)(T)(349s)_PNc_.djvu

Devaney R.L. Introduction to chaotic dynamical systems (2ed., AW, 1989)(L)(T)(ISBN...

Wiggins S. Chaotic Transport in Dynamical Systems (Springer, 1992)(T)(305s).djvu

E'beling V., E'ngel' A., Fajlstel' R. Fizika processov e'voljucii.. sinergeticheskij podhod...

Shuster G. Determinirovannyj haos.. vvedenie (Mir, 1988)(ru)(foto2-15)(C)(7s).djvu

Holden A.V. (ed.) Chaos (collection of general papers)(Princeton, 1986)(ISBN...

Zaslavskij G.M. Statisticheskaja neobratimost' v nelinejnyh sistemah (Nauka,...

Kalodzhero F., Digasperis A. Spektral'nye preobrazovanija i solitony. Metody reshenija i...

Alligood K.T., Yorke J.A, T.D.Sauer. Chaos.. An Introduction to Dynamical...

Zaslavskij G.M., R.Z.Sagdeev. Vvedenie v nelinejnuyu fiziku.. ot mayatnika do turbulentnosti i...

Kuznecov A.P. Kolebanija, katastrofy, bifurkacii, haos (zadachi) (Saratov, 2000)(ru)(49s).pdf

Crawford. Introduction to bifurcation theory (RMP63, 1991)(400dpi)(T)(47s).djvu

Osinga H. Nonlinear dynamics and chaos (lecture notes, Bristol, 2004)(600dpi)(T)(C)(36s)_PNc_.djvu
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Sparrow C. The Lorenz Equations. Bifurcations, Chaos, and Strange Attractors (Appl.Math.Sci. 41,...

Wiggins S. Introduction to applied nonlinear dynamical systems and chaos (Springer, 1996)(K)(ISBN...

Crawford. Introduction to bifurcation theory (RMP63, 1991)(400dpi)(T)(47s).djvu

Osinga H. Nonlinear dynamics and chaos (lecture notes, Bristol, 2004)(600dpi)(T)(C)(36s)_PNc_.djvu

Kapitaniak T., S.Bishop. Dictionary of Nonlinear Dynamics (Wiley,1999)(ISBN