الســــلام عليكـــم و رحمـــة الله و بركاتـــه
Lee Goldman, Dennis Ausiello - Cecil Textbook of Medicine 22nd. Edition
Cecil Textbook of Medicine has been one of the world’s most trusted medical references since its original publication in 1927. In the 22nd edition of this classic text, more than 450 renowned authorities present the very latest clinical knowledge. Here you’ll continue to find comprehensive coverage of the scientific foundations and biological basis of disease processes; an introduction to clinical practice protocols; current concepts of pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment -- all presented by distinguished experts. The core of the text continues to encompass the disorders of the major organ systems, including the approach to the patient, clinical manifestations, diagnostic procedures, and treatment strategies.
Editors: Lee Goldman, Dennis Ausiello | Publisher: Saunders 22nd. Edition
| ISBN-10: 072169652X / 978-0721696522 | English | CHM, 2656 pages | Year 2004 | 187 MB
حمـــل الكتــاب من الرابط في المرفقــات
تحيــــاتــ و تقديـــري لكـــم ـــــي
ملاحظة: اذا كان الرابط لا يعمل ارجو التبليغ

Lee Goldman, Dennis Ausiello - Cecil Textbook of Medicine 22nd. Edition

Cecil Textbook of Medicine has been one of the world’s most trusted medical references since its original publication in 1927. In the 22nd edition of this classic text, more than 450 renowned authorities present the very latest clinical knowledge. Here you’ll continue to find comprehensive coverage of the scientific foundations and biological basis of disease processes; an introduction to clinical practice protocols; current concepts of pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment -- all presented by distinguished experts. The core of the text continues to encompass the disorders of the major organ systems, including the approach to the patient, clinical manifestations, diagnostic procedures, and treatment strategies.
Editors: Lee Goldman, Dennis Ausiello | Publisher: Saunders 22nd. Edition
| ISBN-10: 072169652X / 978-0721696522 | English | CHM, 2656 pages | Year 2004 | 187 MB

حمـــل الكتــاب من الرابط في المرفقــات
تحيــــاتــ و تقديـــري لكـــم ـــــي
ملاحظة: اذا كان الرابط لا يعمل ارجو التبليغ