Stereochemistry - Workbook 191 Problems and Solutions


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Stereochemistry - Workbook 191 Problems and Solutions


Author: K.-H. Hellwich / C. Siebert
Product Details
198 pages, Springer; 1st edition (October 19, 2006) $27.95
Format: 2.1MB PDF


This workbook in stereochemistry is designed for students, lecturers and scientists in chemistry, pharmacy, biology and medicine who deal with chiral chemical compounds and their properties. It serves as a supplement to textbooks and seminars and thus provides selected examples for students to practice the use of the conventions and terminology for the exact three-dimensional description of chemical compounds. The book coverage spans: physiological and pharmacological relevant organic compounds as well as inorganic molecules for the determination of configuration, conformation and point groups. Examples of stereoselective syntheses of organic molecules are also included. The 191 problems with extended solutions contain many examples of compounds which are of practical use and have been gathered by the authors during their lectures and scientific work.

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ربنا يكرمك يا مهاجر
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يااخوان ليش تعبونا لايوجد مرفقات يعني الا نشترك حرامات هذا الموقع العظيم المفيد تعقدوه الا بالمشاركات
الاخ هيثم جزاك الله خير الجزاء ونفع بك امة الاسلام اخ هيثم انا مدرس مساعد في جامعة الموصل بالعراق ماجستير كيمياء عضوية organic chemistryاذا عندك كتب تكسب اجر من الله عن organic and bio chemistryتبعثها على الايميل
بحثت عن كلام شكر اليك
فلم اجد كلام يكفيك جهدك الملحوظ
سألت الله ان يجزيك خير الجزاء
وقل ان الموقع بك هو المحظوظ
رامى الليثى
Stereochemistry - Workbook: 191 Problems and Solutions
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