هدية ثمينة Autodesk AutoCAD 2008 مع الكراك و الشرح بالتفصيل

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الفارس المغوار

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم و به نستعين

Autodesk AutoCAD 2008


AutoCAD 2008 software adds features to help make everyday tasks easier. Annotation scaling and control of layers by viewport minimize workarounds, while text enhancements, multiple leaders, and improved tables help deliver an unmatched level of aesthetic precision and professionalism.

AutoCAD 2008 software introduces the concept of annotation scale as an object property. Designers can set the current scale of a viewport or model space view, and then apply that scale to each object and specify its size, placement, and appearance based on the scale set for the viewport. In other words, annotation scale is now automated.

In AutoCAD 2008 the layer manager has been enhanced to allow users to specify color, line weight, linetype, or plot style as an override for an individual viewport. These overrides can be easily turned on or off as viewports are added or removed.

Enhanced tables now give users the option to combine AutoCAD and Excel tabular information into a single AutoCAD table. This table can be dynamically linked so that notifications appear in both AutoCAD and Excel as data is updated. Users can then select these notifications, allowing instant updating of information in either source document.

The enhanced MTEXT editor now provides the ability to specify the number of columns required and flows new text between those columns as users make edits. The space set between each column of text and the edge of the paper is also customizable. All of these variables can be adjusted to specific values in the dialog box, or adjusted interactively using the new multicolumn text grips.

The new multiple leader panel on the dashboard has enhanced tools that automate the creation of multiple leaders and the orientation of the leaders (tail or content first) with the notes.

وجدت هذا البرنامج في إحدي المنتديات و لكون العديد ينتظرونه وجدت أنه من الأفضل أن أنبهكم بوجوده و لكنه مرفوع علي الرابيد شير و أظن أنهم لم يكتشفوا وجوده بعد فالرابيد شير عادة ما يمحو كل البرامج الجديدة و البرنامج مكون من إسطوانتين أنا اقوم حاليا بتنزيله علي أمل رفعه علي أكثر من موقع و لكن أحتاج للمساعدة و سأمدكم بالمعلومات و البرامج المساعدة و لا أطلي منكم الشكر و لا الردود بل الدعاء في ظهر الغيب يكفيني و شكراً.

التفاصيل في المرفقات
روابط أخري
Rich (BB code):
Rich (BB code):
نسخة portable لا تحتاج لتثبيت علي الجهاز


  • Autodesk AutoCAD 2008 .rar
    232 بايت · المشاهدات: 6,396
شكرا علي مروركم الكريم و اتمني أن تستفيدوا منه :)
للاسف الشديد أن الوصلة لا تعمل
بالتوفيق انشاء الله
Thanks alot , with my pleasure!!
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم و به نستعين

Autodesk AutoCAD 2008


AutoCAD 2008 software adds features to help make everyday tasks easier. Annotation scaling and control of layers by viewport minimize workarounds, while text enhancements, multiple leaders, and improved tables help deliver an unmatched level of aesthetic precision and professionalism.

AutoCAD 2008 software introduces the concept of annotation scale as an object property. Designers can set the current scale of a viewport or model space view, and then apply that scale to each object and specify its size, placement, and appearance based on the scale set for the viewport. In other words, annotation scale is now automated.

In AutoCAD 2008 the layer manager has been enhanced to allow users to specify color, line weight, linetype, or plot style as an override for an individual viewport. These overrides can be easily turned on or off as viewports are added or removed.

Enhanced tables now give users the option to combine AutoCAD and Excel tabular information into a single AutoCAD table. This table can be dynamically linked so that notifications appear in both AutoCAD and Excel as data is updated. Users can then select these notifications, allowing instant updating of information in either source document.

The enhanced MTEXT editor now provides the ability to specify the number of columns required and flows new text between those columns as users make edits. The space set between each column of text and the edge of the paper is also customizable. All of these variables can be adjusted to specific values in the dialog box, or adjusted interactively using the new multicolumn text grips.

The new multiple leader panel on the dashboard has enhanced tools that automate the creation of multiple leaders and the orientation of the leaders (tail or content first) with the notes.

وجدت هذا البرنامج في إحدي المنتديات و لكون العديد ينتظرونه وجدت أنه من الأفضل أن أنبهكم بوجوده و لكنه مرفوع علي الرابيد شير و أظن أنهم لم يكتشفوا وجوده بعد فالرابيد شير عادة ما يمحو كل البرامج الجديدة و البرنامج مكون من إسطوانتين أنا اقوم حاليا بتنزيله علي أمل رفعه علي أكثر من موقع و لكن أحتاج للمساعدة و سأمدكم بالمعلومات و البرامج المساعدة و لا أطلي منكم الشكر و لا الردود بل الدعاء في ظهر الغيب يكفيني و شكراً.

التفاصيل في المرفقات
مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.