ZoneAlarm Security Suite Beta الحمــاية الشاملة لجهــازك بآخر اصدار؟؟


طاقم الإدارة
الســـلام عليكـــم و رحمـــة الله و بركـــاتـــــه

ZoneAlarm Security Suite Beta


من أفضــل البرامج للحمــــاية قد يحضى بهــا جهــازك فهو يمتلك اقوى جدار ناري ضد الهكرز كمــا يمكنك بواسطة هذا البرنامج حماية
جهــازك من جميع الفيروسات و الديدان و التروجـــان فهو يعتبر من اقوى البرامج ضد ملفــات التجسس
حمـــاية متكــاملة من برنامج يستحق ان تثق في قدراته البرنامج بالفعل مميز جدا.....:)
و قد تحصل على عدت جوائز لفعاليته و حمايته المثلة........:)
هذا آخر اصدار للبرنامج 18.04.2007 + الــ Keygen
oneAlarm Security Suite is the easy-to-use, comprehensive security solution that is based on the world's best firewall to keep out hackers, viruses, worms, and other threats. It combines the most popular firewall with antivirus, Web site filtering, privacy protection, instant messaging security and more to provide the best overall protection of any PC security suite.

ZoneAlarm Security Suite is comprehensive, all-in-one suite is a tightly integrated set of advanced security layers that, together, create the most secure protection in the industry. Uniquely engineered to prevent threats from getting on a PC in the first place, it has won more major awards than any other security software on the market. The suite combines the robust security features computer experts demand with automatic functions that make it simple enough for novices to use.

Beyond the firewall function, ZoneAlarm Security Suite includes an antivirus scanner based on Computer Associates' Vet Anti-Virus. The privacy-protection features let you apply settings individually to different Web sites. The ID Lock feature stores personal information, such as social security and credit card numbers. Security Suite is the only version of ZoneAlarm to incorporate a basic filter that blocks sites according to various types of content; you can configure it to block various types of naughtiness or just one category, such as racist material. Security Suite also incorporates the company's IMSecurity program, which protects instant-messenging programs from spam and encrypts messages (so long as the person on the other end also is using IMSecurity). Users looking for one solution to just about all their Internet security concerns can turn to ZoneAlarm Security Suite.
حجــم البرنــامــج:40.5MB
اصدار البرنامــج:ZoneAlarm Security Suite Beta
صفـــحة الأم
حمــل من هنـــا

حمـــل Keygen من المرفقـــات
تحيــــاتي و تقديـــري لكـم:)


  • ZoneAlarm.Keygen.rar
    61.4 KB · المشاهدات: 31
Thank you Ghanou. A question please my brother, is the firewall of this program more better than the Norton Internet Security?
Thank you Ghanou. A question please my brother, is the firewall of this program more better than the Norton Internet Security?[/QUO

السلام عليكم أخى ستيفن
إسمح لى أخى فأنا أستخدم برنامج ZONEALARM من حوالى سنتين فهو بحق برنامج أكثر من رائع و أكثر حماية للجهاز على النت من أى برنامج أخر فهو أحسن جدار نارى لعام 2006 و تستخدمه الشركات الكبيرة فى حماية خصوصيتها و أيضا قدرته العالية فى مكافحة الفيروسات و السبايوير و صد مواقع التجسس .
و من أهم ميزاته أنه برغم المجموعة المتكاملة إلا أنه خفيف جدا على الجهاز.
تقبل تحياتى و تحت أمرك أخى فى أى إستفسار .
الشيمى .
دائما تجيد إختيار برامجك حبيبى غانــــــــو
بارك الله فيك أخى الكريم
شكرا اخي ستيفــان لمرورك اما بالنسبة الى سؤالك فأخي الشيمي قد اجابك اما بالنسبة الى اجابتي كمجرب في الحقيقة لم اجرب قط اي برنامج حمــاية سوى الكاسبر


شكرا لك اخي الشيمي لمرورك الراااائع و شكرا لتعليقك الرااائع على البرنامج
تحياتي لكم اخواني الأعزاء:)
ZoneAlarm® Security Suite - Complete Internet Security:
* Firewall - stops hackers from getting into your PC
* Antivirus - blocks and removes viruses
* ID & Privacy Protection - safeguards privacy & protects data
* Email Security - prevents email worms from spamming your address book
* IM Protection - secures instant messaging conversations
* Spam and Anti-Phishing Protection - blocks spam emails and phishing scams
Along with its effective and easy-to-use firewall protection, ZoneAlarm Security Suite adds privacy, security, and virus-protection features. ZoneAlarm's wizard makes configuring a firewall incredibly easy. The app's stylish interface and simple slider controls make maintaining and updating settings a snap. Experts will appreciate options that let them set up custom rules. The program's Zones feature also allows you to assign different security levels for local networks and the Internet. Beyond the firewall function, ZoneAlarm Security Suite includes an antivirus scanner based on Computer Associates' Vet Anti-Virus. The privacy-protection features let you apply settings individually to different Web sites. The ID Lock feature stores personal information, such as social security and credit card numbers. Security Suite is the only version of ZoneAlarm to incorporate a basic filter that blocks sites according to various types of content; you can configure it to block various types of naughtiness or just one category, such as racist material. Security Suite also incorporates the company's IMSecurity program, which protects instant-messenging programs from spam and encrypts messages (so long as the person on the other end also is using IMSecurity). Users looking for one solution to just about all their Internet security concerns can turn to ZoneAlarm Security Suite
Thank you Ghanou. A question please my brother, is the firewall of this program more better than the Norton Internet Security?

و يمكنك أخى التحميل من هذا الرابط.

جزاك الله كل الخير أخى غانو :*
شكـــــــــــــــــــــــرا علـــــــــــــــــى المعلومة
بس حتى الحين ما حصلت سبب قوي لكي اتخلى عن كسبرسكي