AVG Security Suite v7.5.448 Build 991 من احسن البرامج في الحماية من الفيروسات و ....؟


طاقم الإدارة
الســــلام عليكـــم و رحمــــة الله و بركـــاتــــه

AVG Security Suite v7.5.448 Build 991



من أشهر و احسن البرامج في الحمــاية من الفيروســـات و الديدان و التروجـــان هذا البرنامج يقدم لك حمياية متكاملة مئة بالمئة
كمــا انه يحميــك من جميع ملفــات التجسس المختلفـــة و هنـــاك العديد من المميزات في هذا البرنامــج
هذا آخر اصدار للبرنــامــج10.04.2007 من صفحــة الأم + الكيجــــان + السيريال...........:)

Features in detail
100% virus detection — AVG’s scanning engine has received numerous awards for its excellent detection of “in the wild” viruses, including the VB100% award. Its unique combination of detection methods provides full protection against viruses, worms and trojans.
Cutting-edge anti-spyware technology — Using the latest state-of-the-art detection technology, AVG detects spyware, adware, DLL-trojans, keyloggers, and much more. Malware hidden in data streams, archives, or the Windows registry is also detected.
Full on-access protection — The powerful AVG Resident Shield provides maximum protection by scanning every file opened, executed, or saved. It also prevents the opening or executing of infected files.
Flexible intelligent scanning — The AVG Resident Shield can include/exclude files from being scanned based on individual file extensions and can handle exceptions for potentially unwanted programs such as adware.
Full e-mail protection — AVG checks every e-mail sent or received, providing full protection from e-mail-borne threats. AVG supports all leading e-mail clients, including MS Outlook, The bat!, Eudora, and all other SMTP/POP3-based e-mail clients, such as Outlook Express. Encrypted connections using SSL are also supported.
E-mail spam and phishing filtering — AVG checks every e-mail received, using the latest technology and up-to-the-minute spam signatures to ensure maximum detection rates for spam and phishing attacks.
Automatic threat handling — AVG can automatically heal or remove infected files and other threats such as trojans, worms and spyware.
Control over all network access — The AVG Firewall monitors all communication to and from the computer, blocking external attacks and preventing trojans from exporting confidential data. The AVG Firewall configuration wizard automatically creates access rules for all popular software. In addition the firewall can switch profiles automatically, based upon the current conection type, ensuring seamless changeover for notebooks.
Powerful scheduling — AVG automatically provides recommended daily schedules for scanning and updating, and also allows you to create custom-scheduled events.
Multiple language support — No need to buy a special language version.​

حجـــم البرنامــج:40MB
اصدار البرنــامــج:AVG Security Suite v7.5.448 Build 991
صفحـــة الأم
حمــل من هنـــا

حمـــل الــ Keygen+ السيريال من المرفقــــات

تحيــــاتي و تقديــــري لكــــم



  • Keygen+Serial AVG Security Suite v7.5.448 Build 991.rar
    118.5 KB · المشاهدات: 77
مشكور أخي غانو بارك الله فيك برنامج ممتاز ..

نزلت النسخة المجانية من هذا البرنامج من أسبوع لا بأس به يمكن أجرب هذه النسخ الكاملة لاحقاً .....
اخي المهــاجر هذه نسخة جديدة من صفحة الأم 10.04.2007 و هي كاملة و الأفضل:eek:
شكرا لمروركم اخواني تحياتي لكم:)