لو سمحتوا عايز كتاب عن portland cement manufacture

أخي رامي جرب هذا الكتاب :

Concrete Materials - Problems and solutions

The author condenses a lifetime of practical experience into this book that will provide a first point of reference whenever problems with materials occur on site. The subjects covered in this book are problems encountered with cements, aggregates, admixtures, metallic and non-metallic reinforcement spacers. Design and workmanship aspects that affect site and precast works activities are discussed as well as the actions that occur, or should be occurring, within the management team. This book will be valuable for all professionals and trades people working with concrete, not only for novices, but also for experienced staff who may be encountering a​
problem for the first time.

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  • concrete.txt
    91 بايت · المشاهدات: 116
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