Thieme Clinical Companions Ultrasound 2007

* Publisher: Thieme Medical Pub
* Number Of Pages: 483 PDF
* Publication Date: 2006-12-20
* Sales Rank: 1121598
* ISBN / ASIN: 1588905527
What differential diagnoses should you consider for specific signs and symptoms? When can ultrasound advance the diagnosis, and what are the typical sonographic signs that suggest a diagnosis? Find out by looking under common signs and symptoms such as upper abdominal pain, palpable masses, edema, joint swelling, etc. in the green part of the book.
A systematic approach to the ultrasound examination of specific organs and organ systems, postoperative ultrasound, and the search for occult tumors, with emphasis on scanning protocols, normal findings, and possible abnormal findings and their significance, are covered in the blue part of the book.
Gray Part: Basic Principles
1 Basic Physical and Technical Principles
2 The Ultrasound Examination
3 Documentation and Reporting
4 Function Studies
5 Interventional Ultrasound
Green Part: Ultrasound Investigation of
Specific Signs and Symptoms
6 Principal Signs and Symptoms
6.1 Upper Abdominal Pain
6.2 Lower Abdominal Pain
6.3 Diffuse Abdominal Pain
6.4 Diarrhea and Constipation
6.5 Unexplained Fever
6.6 Palpable Masses
6.7 Enlarged Lymph Nodes
6.8 Edema
6.9 Renal Insufficiencie and Acute Renal Failure
6.10 Jaundice
6.11 Hepatosplenomegaly
6.12 Ascites
6.13 Joint Pain and Swelling
6.14 Goiter, Hyper- and Hypothyroidism
Blue Part: Ultrasonography of Specific Organs
and Organ Systems, Postoperative Ultrasound,
and the Search for Occult Tumors
7 Arteries and Veins
8 Cervical Vessels
9 Liver
10 Kidney and Adrenal Gland
11 Pancreas
12 Spleen
13 Bile Ducts
14 Gallbladder
15 Gastrointestinal Tract
16 Urogenital Tract
17 Thorax
18 Thyroid Gland
19 Major Salivary Glands
20 Postoperative Ultrasound
21 Search for Occult Tumors
الحجم 21 ميجا (40 ميجا بعد فك الضغط)
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