Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility

Title: Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility (Wiley Series in Microwave and Optical Engineering)
ISBN: 0471755001
Author: Clayton R. Paul
Hardcover: 9836 pages; Dimension: 0.00 x 0.00 x 0.00 inches
# Publisher: Wiley-Interscience; 2 edition (January 9, 2006)Language: English
URL: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=songstech-20&path=ASIN%2F0471755001
Average Customer Review: Based on 2 review(s).
Here is the second edition to the text that has come to be known as the ?EMC Bible.? Originally intended for a university/college course in electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility , this breakthrough guide has also become an invaluable reference for industrial professionals interested in EMC design. This second edition has been substantially rewritten and revised to reflect the developments in the field of EMC.
ISBN: 0471755001
Author: Clayton R. Paul
Hardcover: 9836 pages; Dimension: 0.00 x 0.00 x 0.00 inches
# Publisher: Wiley-Interscience; 2 edition (January 9, 2006)Language: English
URL: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=songstech-20&path=ASIN%2F0471755001
Average Customer Review: Based on 2 review(s).
Here is the second edition to the text that has come to be known as the ?EMC Bible.? Originally intended for a university/college course in electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility , this breakthrough guide has also become an invaluable reference for industrial professionals interested in EMC design. This second edition has been substantially rewritten and revised to reflect the developments in the field of EMC.
Table of Contents:
1 Introduction to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) 1
2 EMC requirements for electronic systems 49
3 Signal spectra - the relationship between the time domain and the frequency domain 91
4 Transmission lines and signal integrity 177
5 Nonideal behavior of components 299
6 Conducted emissions and susceptibility 377
7 Antennas 421
8 Radiated emissions and susceptibility 503
9 Crosstalk 559
10 Shielding 713
11 System design for EMC 753
App. A The phasor solution method 859
App. B The electromagnetic field equations and waves 871
App. C Computer codes for calculating the per-unit-length (PUL) parameters and crosstalk of multiconductor transmission lines 941
App. D A SPICE (PSPICE) tutorial 959
2 EMC requirements for electronic systems 49
3 Signal spectra - the relationship between the time domain and the frequency domain 91
4 Transmission lines and signal integrity 177
5 Nonideal behavior of components 299
6 Conducted emissions and susceptibility 377
7 Antennas 421
8 Radiated emissions and susceptibility 503
9 Crosstalk 559
10 Shielding 713
11 System design for EMC 753
App. A The phasor solution method 859
App. B The electromagnetic field equations and waves 871
App. C Computer codes for calculating the per-unit-length (PUL) parameters and crosstalk of multiconductor transmission lines 941
App. D A SPICE (PSPICE) tutorial 959
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