برنامج SewerCAD 4.1.1


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برنامج SewerCAD 4.1.1
نسخة العصر الحجري

النسخة 10 انبوب فقط​
Municipalities, utilities, and engineering firms around the world use SewerCAD to plan, design, analyze, and optimize their wastewater collection systems. An easy-to-use interface, automatic design features, and stunning presentation tools will help you focus on engineering better sewer collection systems.
SewerCAD can be used to model both pressurized force mains and gravity hydraulics with ease, by using steady-state analysis with various standard peaking factors and extended-period simulations.
With your choice of a stand-alone or AutoCAD interface, you can build complete system profiles on-the-fly with full layer annotation and placement control, instantly recognize bottlenecks in your system with dynamic presentation and reporting tools, and use automated design tools to propose improvements and assess the financial impact of suggested changes.​
النسخةلا تحتاج لتنصيب علي الجهاز...فقط فك الضغط
اذهب لملف التشغيل

اضغط الزر الأيمن للماوس اختر properties ثم compatibility واتبع الصور

شغل البرنامج
موقع البرنامج:http://www.bentley.com/en-US/Products/SewerCAD/Main.htm
البرنامج حملته من Emule ورفعته لكم
أيضاً يوجد برنامج BENTLEY STORMCAD XM v05.06.012.00
و WaterCAD FULL 6.5120n نسخة كاملة

الحجم 10 ميجا
في المرفقات


  • sewerCad _arabsbook.txt
    221 بايت · المشاهدات: 458
جزاك الله خيرا اخي سان لايت:sun:
تحياتي لك
مشكور ياخوي لكن كيف التشغيل وماهي المميزات للبرنامج
thanks man
يمنع المشاركة أكثر من مرة في نفس الموضوع
thank u

يمنع المشاركة أكثر من مرة في نفس الموضوع

thnks my friends

يمنع المشاركة أكثر من مرة في نفس الموضوع
انا حابب اشارك (inlove) معاكم

هاى يا جماعة

ازيك يا حازم

ازيك يا محمد

هلا و اللة

Municipalities, utilities, and engineering firms around the world use SewerCAD to plan, design, analyze, and optimize their wastewater collection systems. An easy-to-use interface, automatic design features, and stunning presentation tools will help you focus on engineering better sewer collection systems.
SewerCAD can be used to model both pressurized force mains and gravity hydraulics with ease, by using steady-state analysis with various standard peaking factors and extended-period simulations.
With your choice of a stand-alone or AutoCAD interface, you can build complete system profiles on-the-fly with full layer annotation and placement control, instantly recognize bottlenecks in your system with dynamic presentation and reporting tools, and use automated design tools to propose improvements and assess the financial impact of suggested changes.​

ممكن تبين كيفية تشغيل البرنامج
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