PhotoLine v13.50 برنامج جميــل لمعــالجة و تصميم الصـــور....:-) ؟؟؟؟؟


طاقم الإدارة
الســـلام عليكـــم و رحمـــة الله و بركـــاتـــــه

PhotoLine v13.50


برنــامــج جميل لمعـــالجة الصور بطريقة مميزت و اضافة التأثيرات عليهــا الفلاتر؟؟ برنامج جديد و بمميزات رااائعة
سهــل في الاٍستخدام و هو يدعم امتدادات الصور المختلفـــة BMP, GIF, JPEG, CMX, PCD, PCX, PNG, PSD, EPS, PICT, TGA, IMG,
ICO, ANI, XBM, IFF, ESM, CGM, PIC, CVG, GEM, WMF برنامج بالفعــل مميز............:)
هذا آخر اصدار للبرنــامـــج 01.04.2007 + الكيجــــان.......................:)
The image processing part of PhotoLine 32 contains all standard features like painting, copying, filtering, color blends and fill functions. In order to eliminate interfering background in pictures PhotoLine 32 offers various lasso functions, a flexible mask handling and a magic wand function.
Layers are an important feature for professional usage. The number of layers is only limited by the available memory. The number of undo and redo steps can be set in a range from 0 to 500. In PhotoLine 32 you can create, load, edit and save CMYK pictures. The filter section contains a large quantity of features: sharpen, unsharp masking, soften, outline, video for correcting interlaced pictures, relief, glow, shadow, ... Morphing and distortion functionality is already integrated. If that is not enough, PhotoLine 32 is extendable through plug-in modules in the 8BF format. PhotoLine 32 supports numerous import file formats like PLD, PDF, TIF, BMP, GIF, JPEG, CMX, PCD, PCX, PNG, PSD, EPS, PICT, TGA, IMG, ICO, ANI, XBM, IFF, ESM, CGM, PIC, CVG, GEM, WMF. On Windows you can also import pictures via the Aldus import interface. There are many import filters for this interface like PS, PDF, CDR and WPG. In all formats layers and transparency are preserved if possible. PhotoLine 32 has special functions for saving web graphics. It can create, import, edit, show and save transparent and animated GIF files. To save valuable web space and bandwidth GIFs can be saved highly optimized and interlaced. Saving of progressive JPEGs is supported, too. Due to the various import and export drivers and its integrated batch function PhotoLine 32 is well suited as a file format converter. In combination with the action recorder the batch function is a very powerful tool. For example with one mouse click it is possible to read all pictures from a directory, reduce them to 256 colors for usage in the web and save the pictures to a different directory. Pressure sensitive graphic tablets are supported, too. Functions: Image Processing 16 bit per channel, support of CMYK and Lab Color management with ICC profiles Lossless imaging Process digital photos Retouch, correct, ... Browse IPTC and EXIF data handling Rotate images lossless Rename images and create catalogues Create HTML galleries Add and edit keywords Powerful search capabilities Layout/Text "Real" PDF Import and Export (not just a big image) Multipage documents Calendar and barcode creation Rich text functions Internet/Animations Create Flash and GIF animations Web Export Tile images, create buttons and image maps Many more Batch conversion Create slideshows Record actions Print multipage documents, flyers and labels
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اصدار البرنامــج:PhotoLine v13.50
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