الســــلام عليكـــم و رحمـــة الله و بركاتـــه
Wireless Java: Developing with J2ME, Second Edition
Description: Although Java is incredibly popular, the standard edition of Java is way too big and bulky to build applications for wireless devices such as PDAs and phones. Thus, Sun has released Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME). J2ME has the potential to be as revolutionary in the wireless space as Java has been in the server space.
Wireless Java: Developing with J2ME, Second Edition is updated to include coverage of the next version of programs for mobile Java devices. MIDP 2.0 contains many exciting new features, such as sound HTTPS support, lots of user interface API enhancements, a Game API, and much more. Also, author Jonathan Knudsen makes clear what material is new so readers can still use the book for MIDP 1.0/CLDC 1.0.
Publisher: Apress; 2nd edition
Language: English
ISBN: 1590590775
Paperback: 384 pages
Data: February 26, 2003
Format: CHM
حمـــل الكتــاب من الرابط في المرفقــات
تحيــــاتــ و تقديـــري لكـــم ـــــي
ملاحظة: اذا كان الرابط لا يعمل ارجو التبليغ

Wireless Java: Developing with J2ME, Second Edition

Description: Although Java is incredibly popular, the standard edition of Java is way too big and bulky to build applications for wireless devices such as PDAs and phones. Thus, Sun has released Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME). J2ME has the potential to be as revolutionary in the wireless space as Java has been in the server space.
Wireless Java: Developing with J2ME, Second Edition is updated to include coverage of the next version of programs for mobile Java devices. MIDP 2.0 contains many exciting new features, such as sound HTTPS support, lots of user interface API enhancements, a Game API, and much more. Also, author Jonathan Knudsen makes clear what material is new so readers can still use the book for MIDP 1.0/CLDC 1.0.
Publisher: Apress; 2nd edition
Language: English
ISBN: 1590590775
Paperback: 384 pages
Data: February 26, 2003
Format: CHM

حمـــل الكتــاب من الرابط في المرفقــات
تحيــــاتــ و تقديـــري لكـــم ـــــي
ملاحظة: اذا كان الرابط لا يعمل ارجو التبليغ