NET for Java Developers: Migrating toC #


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NET for Java Developers: Migrating to C


Description: .NET for Java Developers is the definitive guide to leveraging your Java programming experience in the .NET environment. Understanding the similarities and differences between the C# and Java APIs enables Java programmers to quickly begin rapid application Windows development using C#. The numerous code examples, which have been tested using Visual Studio® .NET 2003 and Java 1.4, show readers how to create feature-rich .NET applications by translating Java coding practices into C#.
The authors begin by detailing the .NET Framework and then immediately introduce readers to coding and the Visual Studio® .NET IDE. They compare the features of C# and Java, and provide a systematic analysis of how the two languages relate to each other. Readers cover the essentials of C# programming, from object creation to event programming, before moving into advanced areas, such as database access, XML processing, GUI programming, and reflection.
Key topics that explain how to do smart C# programming rather than emulating Java code in C#:
* Database access
* Inheritance and polymorphism
* Thread programming
* Garbage collection and memory management
* C# application deployment
* Delegates
* Processing XML
.NET for Java Developers provides Java developers, programmers, and architects with experience-based advice for a successful transition into the .NET environment.
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1st edition
Language: English
ISBN: 0672324024
Paperback: 720 pages
Data: July 22, 2003
Format: CHM


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ملاحظة: اذا كان الرابط لا يعمل ارجو التبليغ:)



  • NET for Java Developers. Migrating to C#.txt
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